So now we’re being forced to have poorer performance and locked into buying more expensive hardware.
I’ll have to pass on this type of crap and vote with my wallet when ray tracing still isn’t there for the majority of pc gamers.
So now we’re being forced to have poorer performance and locked into buying more expensive hardware.
I’ll have to pass on this type of crap and vote with my wallet when ray tracing still isn’t there for the majority of pc gamers.
welcome to the death of game optimization.
it especially sucks for Doom: The Dark Ages since both Doom 2016 and Eternal were considered very optimized for their times of release.
I especially fail to see the value to drive up obsolescence. Look how the Final Fantasy XIV art team, or the Tyranny RPG expressed so much through comparatively ancient engines of the PS3 era. And for shooters we have so much visual polished fidelity, with physics, high resolution textures and dynamic lighting to create anything you want. From “Prey” (2016) to Prey (2005) I think both look amazing.
“Can’t afford an upgrade to a high-end PC? Buy one of our Xboxes.” --Microsoft
Doon 2016 really holds up, it’s still one of my favorite games
How does requiring a GPU feature translate into bad optimization?
Since you and the other g*mers are frothing at the mouth acting intentionally dense:
Find your own answer.
That link explains nothing, it just tells you what people are using. Why does a game requiring a GPU feature mean, by your own words, the death of optimization?
I’ll chime in for the other commenter.
Having ray tracing be “a minimum requirement” is batshit insane. Just make it an option and don’t require it for everyone.
Ray tracing is not that widely available, so you shouldn’t just force it onto your whole player base.
And while this might not sound like an optimization thing, it really looks like they couldn’t be bothered to develop their game with and without the ray tracing features.
Edit: looking more into the numbers, they are all insane.
I don’t really play AAA titles nowadays, but this is aweful and far from optimized. Doom 2016 needed half of that for every single metric!
Nobody buying $80 games doesn’t have all this shit. You guys are living in a bubble. Everyone has rtx these days. The ones that don’t weren’t going to buy Doom anyway.
Not sure why you are so worried. Based on those requirements a Radeon rx 6800 should be able to do Ultra 4K @ 60. The main differentiator seems to be vram.
Not sure what games you play but they haven’t been optimized for jack shit in the last 10 years.