That’s the type of language and leadership the Democrats actually need.
Believe what you will but my personal experience with the politics side of .ml, that’s the case. It’s not a place for open or honest discussion, not that the internet really is a place for that.
That’s actually very welcome to me as a older gamer with a family.
I don’t have the time for these massive 100+ hour RPGs anytime, I’ve yet to finish BG 3, which I absolutely love, due to time constraints and trying to remember where I left off.
And right on that flip side you’ll get downvoted and banned from .ml for pointing out that even if Democrats suck a massive bag of dongs they’re still unfortunately the least of two evils.
The Internet, 'tis a silly place.
Yup. I haven’t help the Democratic party in over a decade now outside of voting for them when the progressive I backed didn’t win.
Slow but steady progress.
But haven’t you heard? AOC is PINO now according to those in the know of the Internet.
To quote the brave democratic leader Jefferies when asked about the Democrats willingness to withhold votes: “I’m trying to figure out what leverage we actually have,” before going of on a rousing opposition speech about finding bipartisan solutions.
These assholes aren’t going to do a damn thing here other than roll over and beg for another.
Oh won’t someone think of the racist colonizers?!?
I bought mine 2018 but I’m not going to be selling a perfectly working car, putting my family into more unnecessary debt right when inflation and stupid tariffs are knocking on our doors just to do absolutely nothing but some performative protest to appease a bunch of people on the Internet.
I bet most families that have bought Teslas are going to be doing the same, average people aren’t going to be just selling their cars for a protest, putting themselves into more financial strain.
But you do you Internet, I do wonder how many of those will actually put their money where their fingertips are, especially with all of these other companies who are kowtowing to this fascist administration.
Spoken like a Internet blowhard.
Are you going to help me and others pay for a new vehicle them?
Nice to say but not all of us have the cash to just buy a new vehicle for political protest.
And once again, anyone in the Wall street journal have no room to say shit after most of them endorsed him.
Let’s be honest here, it’s any time Republicans are in charge now.
My guess is that he negotiated to get a gold colored pillow for him, Trump, and the rest of the Republicans to use.
Yeah, I’ve basically stopped caring about the free games at this point. I mean I have a very full library of games there but most I already own on steam of gog and I haven’t played any of them, even the ones during the recent holidays.
For MAGA types, sure but there are a small yet significant subset of Trump voters who were that dumb and those are the ones that will actually care about this shit. For crying out loud when you have states that Trump won by less than 30K votes, yeah those idiots matter.
And set up a external server at the Treasury department.
Just performative bullshit trying to buy his way out of hell.
Oh really Republicans, you fucking think China would take advantage of a influence void the US voluntary created? Jesus, how stupid is you?