Oh, FFS, I am so tired of the fake outrage over this. Who gives a fuck?
Donnie called this country a garbage can and threatens fascism…meanwhile, the Enlightened Centrists ™ and the “liberal media” go into a fetal position over Biden saying something frank about those that would support fascism and spend days clutching their pearls.
I thought liberals took the high road, or was that bullshit Michelle Obama said?
There’s not a road high enough to keep us above the bog of shit that is the maga cult.
well that does it, im not voting for this guy!
I wish he’d just owned it at this point. Trump supporters are garbage. They’re morally corrupt racist cultists voting for a charlatan.
They defend Trump calling huge swaths of people stupid rapist murdering criminals and killing his political opponents outright
Garbage is a much lighter term than I’d use these days.
I wish he’d just owned it at this point. Trump supporters are garbage.
No, they’re valued constituents that we desperately need to jettison all our principles to represent.
I don’t get that…Why…why do we fucking constantly pander to these nut jobs.
The alternative involves treating the left like valued constituents with agency instead of hostages.
Did the stenographer somehow hear a lack of apostrophe? If he were referring to the supporters themselves, the correct phrase would be “are his supporters”, therefore I’d default to interpreting what he said as "is his supporters’ ", ie “is that coming from his supporters”.
Denver Post - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report)
Information for Denver Post:
MBFC: Left-Center - Credibility: High - Factual Reporting: High - United States of America
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