I think Iran/Contra was one of the first incidents where the media did quite a lot to paper over the issue. Statements were made like how “tired” the American people were of scandal and so on, given all the things found in the 1970s (I’m sure the people that lived through seeing MLK, JFK, and RFK assassinated, then seeing things like Nixon’s Watergate and the Church Committee’s findings did go through quite a lot, but Iran/Contra hearings were over a decade later than Watergate) and how “America” did not want to go through such things, etc…
I think if the media had given both of these things equal treatment, rather than trying to run cover for the Republicans because of some supposed public sentiment they were sensing in the nation, impressions might be quite a bit different now. I don’t think Watergate should be the metric every scandal since then, but this is probably the continuing influence of boomers, thinking the very worst thing(s) happened when they were in their formative years, rather than looking at the actual crimes involved and how one might have had far broader implications than the other…
I guess the other thing to consider is that you can slap “gate” on virtually anything and people know what you mean. You could try slapping “tra” or “ontra” on things maybe but most people won’t understand the reference. Sadly.
It just might make you GAY! If not that, it might make you woman-ish. Or it might shrink your penis and/or balls!
At the very worst, OTHER people might think you have a tiny, tiny penis if you are seen caring the least fucking bit about the environment! Obviously, well hung manly macho men all burn the very most fossil fuel possible at all times, in every activity they do.
What happens if women do these kinds of activities? Well, don’t ask, because it doesn’t have to make any sense…it’s kind of the same kind of thinking surrounding eating lots of animal carcasses…
Yeah, but PROGRESS might be progressive! It’s right there in the name!!!
Maybe we should tell them they are working on making themselves progressively worse and they might balk at the idea they are being progressives! The horror!
“Hehehehe hahaha uhuhuhu. Yew ahr nahw ohwned, though, aren’t you liberal?” -Every Beavis and Butthead dumbass donvict voter that voted just for the chaos, or the lulz, and/or to watch the world burn.
Literally no one really wants this on the consumer side. Dumbasses voted for donvict for the racism, the misogyny or just to “own the libs”. More dumbasses sat out “because Gaza” and because the Democrats didn’t give them a pretty, pretty pony and they are going to stamp their feet about it until the Democrats do give them one. A few more for things like economy, because “Republicans dew 'conomy gud” (has that ever actually been true, though?).
Now that the elitists are in power, they are going to do this because they don’t give a flying fuck what the peasants want. Several of the elitists have been openly calling for the END of democracy anyway, so fuck what most people want, they’ll be doing as much as they can get away with, no matter what something silly like polls might indicate…
JFC, these people. Just assholes all the way down.
I do appreciate that people are waking up, but ever since he bought xitter and rolled out the welcome mat for the Nazis, I’ve been wondering just what it would take.
Personally, I find it simply amazing that Watergate is thought of as the worst thing in recent memory, when Iran/Contra is right fucking there. I think Iran/Contra is more instructive in how Republicans of today behave.
Basically, no one at the very top paid the price. Ronnie Raygun got to ride off into the sunset, even if he was hated at the time, to have the Strategic Forgettery Crew work in the decades since to resurrect his “memory”, in a very Orwellian fashion.
Even naming shit after that fucker. They still want that criminal on currency. And that’s with him having the most criminal administration in history - at least up until donvict. I don’t know how donvict’s first term or the second stacks up to Ronnie Raygun’s criminal legacy.
Can’t spell FELON without ELON! 🤣
Republicans. Republicans have lost their moral compass (if they ever really have one, and that’s debatable).
Remember: most of the nation did not vote for these fuckers.
All the crying about DEI is just screaming the N-word.
Neighbor just brought over a dozen since they cannot use all theirs. We may end up passing some on, since eggs take a long time to get used up in my household.
I don’t want this to be the new toilet paper, at least not at my house. :)
I still wonder if him staring at the sun was more from him just being a complete idiot, or a “imma gunna show them what a MAN I am! This is some real fucking leadership, I tell u wut!”
Yup. The same dinguses that sat there with crossed arms and eyes rolled, asking questions like “why do I need to know THIS?!!?” are now all grown up and “doing their own research” (even though they never learned any skills that would make them into autodidacts and would be hard pressed to spot even the most egregious of logical fallacies) by following other idiots on social media.
Well, their god is maybe the problem:
The anti-vaccine movement today is not solely religious in character, but much of its rhetoric is identical to theological arguments made against inoculation more than three hundred years ago. As the Florida-based organization KNOW (“Kids Need Options Without Vaccines”), puts it, “All vaccines are made in violation of God’s Word.” Such thinking is partly responsible for the worst measles epidemic in twenty years.
If you think your god wants you and/or your kids to die from preventable diseases, maybe it’s time for a new one?
The truly OG anti-vaxxers had some among them that thought it was against their god’s will to combat disease, if you can fucking believe it (people are stupid and horrible, it turns out):
To treat small pox was seen as a form of blasphemy—a moral evil that refused to recognize that epidemics were acts of God.
I just don’t understand how such a “god” could be worthy of worship, then. Imagine losing 9 children before they reached adulthood. I’d flip this “god” of theirs the bird, and try the cure, thankyouveryfuckingmuch.
Might have to start building walls around the areas where idiots are giving each other preventable diseases.
Wait, didn’t Preacher come out of Texas?
Wonder if he’s going to try to undo W’s work against prison rape.