Pizza delivery is notoriously dangerous. More pizza delivery drivers get shot than cops. It took a long time for people to build up the courage and sense of responsibility for pizza before they braved those streets.
This is America. People do whatever the f*** they feel like doing, you got a problem with that? Because they have a right to. And because they have guns and no one can f***ing stop them. As a result, this country has one of the worst economies in the world. When it gets down to it–we’re talking trade balances here–once we’ve brain-drained all our technology into other countries, once things have evened out, they’re making cars in Bolivia and microwaves in Tadzhikistan and selling them here–once our edge in natural resources has been made irrelevant by giant Hong Kong ships and dirigibles that can ship North Dakota all the way to New Zealand for a nickel–once the Invisible Hand has taken all those historical inequities and smeared them out into a broad global layer of what a Pakistani bricklayer would consider to be prosperity–y’know what? There’s only four things we do better than anyone else:
Pizza delivery is notoriously dangerous. More pizza delivery drivers get shot than cops. It took a long time for people to build up the courage and sense of responsibility for pizza before they braved those streets.
I honor our pizza delivery drivers. o7
Unlike your coppers, your pizza delivery people don’t deserve even risking getting shot.
This is more of a America problem than a pizza guy problem.
I served in the pizza delivery service for nearly ten years 🎖️
Thank you for your service, culinary logistics veteran.
Nothing personal, but ain’t nobody got time for Delta Quadrant Pizza delivery. That’s coming out of your tip, Kathryn.
I see the Trek reference, but I feel like I’m still missing something…
I was a part of delivery team six. We lost a lot of good men on that delivery run. 22 pineapple pizzas changes a man.
And I’M STILL WAITING!!! I ordered this pizza in 1997! How long does it TAKE???
I remembered your Diet Dr Kelp, though
*in the USA
This is America. People do whatever the f*** they feel like doing, you got a problem with that? Because they have a right to. And because they have guns and no one can f***ing stop them. As a result, this country has one of the worst economies in the world. When it gets down to it–we’re talking trade balances here–once we’ve brain-drained all our technology into other countries, once things have evened out, they’re making cars in Bolivia and microwaves in Tadzhikistan and selling them here–once our edge in natural resources has been made irrelevant by giant Hong Kong ships and dirigibles that can ship North Dakota all the way to New Zealand for a nickel–once the Invisible Hand has taken all those historical inequities and smeared them out into a broad global layer of what a Pakistani bricklayer would consider to be prosperity–y’know what? There’s only four things we do better than anyone else:
microcode (software)
high-speed pizza delivery
snow crash mentioned
This is the internet.
I’d be careful telling USians that they aren’t the only people on the ‘net, they might shoot you.