“The United States has reached out to Denmark…”
You know, the country the United States wants to invade and forcefully take land from.
America: The dumbest rocks in the sock drawer.
Implement fucking price controls before you beg for European eggs ffs
Trumpty Dumpty
Yeah, good luck with that America after you’ve insulted and threatened every ally that would sell us eggs.
What does it mean the US has reached out? Individual store chains? State governments? Certainly not Trump.
Likely USDA which is under one of his appointees so either way very dumb.
I know right.
Hey we don’t want your crap in our country. America first. But while I have you on the phone…
Kneel down and beg.
Didn’t their leader said they don’t need to rely on other countries?
I’ve got a whole sack of eggs I’m selling for cheap, but you gotta extract them yourselves. In fact, I’ll even pay you, but then you gotta go after. Don’t hang around after.
I would not send a single good egg until Jan 2029.
I’d give Drumph some eggs, if only he would come within range…
Actually I would send them ONE egg, so that they can suck on it.
Why then? It’ll just be another corrupt warmonger. Might call themselves a democrat but in the end they still serve evil.
The eggs aren’t even that much more expensive to produce. The hit has only been about 2%. There’s still plenty of eggs. And it’s the same with getting free range eggs instead of battery/cage - the increase in production price is pretty small, really.
It comes down to the same thing: the market charging premiums. They charge more for free range because it’s ‘luxury’. They charge more for organic because it’s ‘lifestyle’. And they charge more for eggs during US strife because it’s ‘supply and demand’.
They have the supply. They also have an excuse, and nobody is regulating them. The country doesn’t need to buy eggs en masse, it needs to regulate pricing.
They actually don’t have the supply. The USA is short tens of millions of eggs because of all the hens they had to slaughter due to bird flu. Which RFK probably doesn’t think is real.
sounds like socialism to me. allow the invisible hand to work.
everything except actually putting the companies responsible in check.
Bird flu talk sounds a little too close to vaccine talk, and farmers vote Republican.
Welp, that is a pretty legit-looking counterexample to the Trump administration helping farmers. I still stand by what I wrote, though. The countryside is red and bird flu is causing the egg shortage.
Theirs are the freedoms that we spend lives to protect.
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Good thing we’ve got so many international allies and are known for being such a stable, reliable economic partner. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I haven’t read the news in two months and I need to catch up on current events.
Well, in those two months the USA has made new enemies by insulting and threatening with invade his own allies. Worst, the USA started an economic war against his allies for no reason.
So no, now we are not willing to help.
The fastest way to have a people turn on it’s leaders is for the food supply to be threatened.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Americans turned on their leaders?
Yup. The US is currently deporting a significant portion of it’s agricultural workforce, while putting insane tariffs on the countries it imports food from, while also doing major cuts to the government which makes problems like avian flue more likely.
The Trump regime has a very “let them eat cake” approach to the food supply.
while putting insane tariffs on the countries it imports food from
Also on the country they import most of their fertilizer from.
Real “stable genius” moves going on there.
Interesting that the orange traitor flooded CA’s farms in response to the recent wildfires, while also threatening undocumented farm workers, while also levying taxes across broad swaths of the economy. Seems to me that he’s been instructed on actions to take to raise food prices. Hmm…
Don’t forget the whole pretending that bird flu doesn’t exist thing.
Let me see… since new years you have threatened to annex Greenland, had Musk call our finest astronaut retarded, called our Prime Minister retarded, recently Roger Stone called one of our conservative politicians a sick demented asshole on Twitter when said politician asked for the general secretary of NATO to not joke about Trump and Greenland and… oh yeah, Trump and Vance attacked and insulted our dear friend, President Zelenskyj on world wide TV.
So… how about no? Oh, I’m sorry: no, thank you.
Hey…just need to put this out there.
I’m sorry my government has the dumb. I am so, so embarrassed by how things are going and how horribly rude my so-called “leaders” are being to literally everyone.
I am not like that. I respect you and your country. I want to cry when I think about how Zelenskyj has been treated. I know many, many people just like me. We are NOT like our government. We are scared. Some of us are trying to get out of the country, but many of us literally cannot…for a host of reasons, many of which involve how little money we have been able to save while this is all happening.
I’m just so sorry. Not that this fixes anything. I’m just desperate to tell SOMEONE that. I hope you have a good day…and rest easier knowing I echo every sentiment of your post.
Ah, don’t worry. I do not hold the American people responsible for what has happened to your country. When it comes down to it, the individual American has very little say in what it’s government is doing and in my opinion, your government has been very successful in manipulating its population into believing in a very untrue and very romantic image of how America is and how it is perceived in the world at large.
So don’t apologize. You can’t help where you were born and raised, neither can the rest of the world’s population. I cant help that i was born and raised in a country that decided to spy on its european neighbors for America and i would be very annoyed if people online blamed me personally for what some retards in charge have decided to do. If anything, my sympathies goes out to people like you who are trapped in that hellhole. I do hope this is just a very unfortunate stumble in American history and that your country will return to form and eventually evolve socially like I have wished for you for decades.
I will be honest, I have very few nice things to say about America, long before trump even came on my radar. I have despised America for most of my life, but I don’t hate all Americans. At all. It’s not your fault your country is built on a system that caters to the rich and teaches its people that all things that are good for the people is evil communism while all things good for the 1% is good for everybody. You guys deserves so much better.
America as an institution and a public face on the world scene, however, I have no love for. I never had and I wasn’t surprised when it decided to stab us in the back the moment we needed it despite us bleeding money and young men’s blood for the American institution for 20 years. I am not surprised that we are being treated this way. It fits perfectly with the American playbook I have witnessed since I was a kid and saw Bush use 911 to invade the middle east and high key sent a message to the rest of us that if we weren’t on America’s side we would be their enemy. Which is partially why I think we ended up joining you in Iraq and Afghanistan.
But no, I’m not surprised that this is our reward for bleeding for the American institution. Threats of annexing our territory, childish insults to our politicians, abandoning Ukraine and making friends with Russia. America has only ever cared about its own interests while pretending to be the world hero. All trump did was going mask off and that must be a shock to some Americans who believed the American institution was good and selfless.
Those people are really not paying attention to history at all. There is definitely a reason people want to bomb us. We earned that hate.
I really wish people could pick a different country…like, nope, I disagree with literally everything here. Next!
But that only works if you have enough money to completely relocate…and then you’re leaving the country slightly crappier than before. But I don’t blame my friends for leaving. They aren’t safe here anymore…
We get that some Americans voted against all this, and don’t support it.
And I hope those reasonable Americans can rescue their country from the situation it has caused for itself.
But for now, as the leadership of the USA is attacking my country, my response has to be to protect my country from the insanity that has taken over America.
I wish you well, and hope you guys can fix your country before it destroys us all.
And I genuinely wish you all the luck in doing so. The defender should have the luck against the aggressor. I hope the USA either gets its shit together or unceremoniously implodes. I want as few collateral damage as possible.
Then we figure out how insignificant we are individually and start pulling as a team…maybe make a country worth having for once.
But without the oligarchs.
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