why is port forwarding a premium feature? isn’t it just a setting on your router
Rent a seed box. That’s the best solution for everyone.
I use Proton VPN which has port forwarding
Assuming you mean IPv4 CGNAT: IPv6.
Does STUN no longer work to allow port-forwarding when needed by P2P applications?
We just need to add I2P directly into the client in a way that’s transparent to the user and all the problems are solved.
How does the I2P architecture solve the port forwarding issue. Is peer discovery easier within I2P?
If I could have an all in one browser like Tor or have jackett do postman too I’d be set, except for the whole “works better the longer you leave it running” thing is only true until my battery dies.
Look in to i2p
Can someone correct me here.
If I have i2P enabled on my qBittorent client and I start seeding a torrent downloaded from a non-i2P connection.
Does my seed of it allow others to download that torrent through i2P?
No, you need to cross seed. A torrent client that allows for this is biglybt. Or you need to manually re upload it on i2p
TIL it’s not L2P, as in “Learn 2 Peer”
I have looked into i2p and find it not easy to understand and use. I have yet to download something successfully using it.Confused it with ipfs.
I2P is IMO the future for torrenting. The only downside it still has is that their is less content. But that will be solved when more and more people migrate to I2P
Does that mean you would route your BitTorrent traffic through I2P?
Doesn’t that severely limit peer discovery to only other I2P users, since AFAIK I2P has no exit nodes / clearweb access?
Yes that is true. Their are a few bittorrent clients that can cross seed however. But it mainly stays inside i2P which Is good and makes it fully anonymous
I tried ipfs and have not managed to download a single file or where I might find them. How is I2P?
I2p is fairly easy to use. The normal I2P client even comes with a torrent client bundled. Also URLs for postman aka best torrent site are included.
Does port forwarding really matter if you have symmetrical fiber?
In principle yes it does - in case of TCP based protocols, without forwarded ports incoming connections aren’t possible. In the context of the main Torrent protocol this means you can only connect to peers that have ports forwarded. This is largely solved by uTP protocol that uses UDP hole punching method to circumvent this.
So the sort answer is no this doesn’t matter unless you’re using very feature poor torrent client.
Port forwarding allows a connection to reach your fiber in the first place.
Does port forwarding really matter if you have a Holborn 9100?
Does port forwarding really matter if you have Hannah Montana Linux?
Does port forwarding really matter if you have a Dawson’s Creek trapper keeper?
Do I have a misunderstanding of one of these, because these seem unrelated
I’ve never had a problem with it in Spain. What is different where you live? CGNAT?
I think it’s that VPN providers offering port forwarding are becoming fewer and fewer.
Bulgaria, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, Russia, Cyprus, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Singapore, and Sweden. They all spit in the eye of DMCA.
VPS in any of these countries, or just find a provider that doesn’t care about torrenting. If you go the VPS option, run your own VPN and just look for a VPS that allows considerable traffic. A quick example, Ultahost (Netherlands) offers a VPS with unlimited bandwidth for $7/mo if you pay for 3 years in advance. Like sure, now you’re paying to torrent, but I would rather pay $7/mo to protect myself with a VPN that I control vs worrying about port forwarding and getting DMCA’s in the mail. 🤷♂️ I guess it depends on how much skin you want in the game.
That’s exactly what I did. Better yet I routed it though a wireguard tunnel! I documented the process here.
IPv6. My stupid ISP actually shipped their router with all inbound ipv6 blocked with no way to unblock it, so I set up opnsense. Works like a charm!
At least your stupid ISP has IPv6. Mine doesn’t (yet).
Fair enough, I guess. Still, I was dumbstruck by lack of ability to open up a port.
My ISP blocks SMTP but other than that the ports work fine.
I’m very uneducated about this stuff. How does IPV6 fix that issue?
It doesn’t fix it, per se, rather removes the need for layers of hacks such as nat and cg-nat. Every device gets a globally routable IP - no need to forward anything, just open the port you want.
This doesn’t solve for VPNs no longer offering it though, unless the VPN services started offering pure v6 via tunnel at some point while I wasn’t looking. I know I’ve never seen a v6 pier in the last few years since I started sailing again.
Yeah thats been my issue. It works fine on my unprotected IP. But I don’t have the cash to spend on expensive vpns and the cheap options seem to universally be shlt for port forwarding, ie. seeding
What about ivpn? I was planning to try that myself.
opnsense sounds like what I was looking for (if I understand correctly)
I had no idea there was a way to go around the ipv6 restrictions
How does IPV6 makes port forwarding possible?
It’s not v6 itself, it’s rather lack of layers of nat that prevent forwarding a v4 for most folks.
Hmm, so no firewall in the router blocking ports, instead blocking happens on the actual client?
Port forwarding is necessary due to NAT not firewalls.
It’s not that your router blocks new incoming connections at port X, it’s that it does not know which local client it’s meant for, since it’s addressed to the public IP that is held by your router.
With IP6 it’s lan client also gets assigned a public IP6 address (as there are plenty) and so the router receives a connection addressed to a Lan client and knows where to route it.
But how does this change using VPNs with torrenting? Especially because it seems like the vast majority don’t support ipv6 as well as openvpn often leaking ipv6 IPs.
Not sure since I don’t use a VPN. If they assigned a unique public IP per user they could just forward every incoming connection to the user’s PC.
If they don’t they need to setup some port forwarding rules.
If openVPN leaks IPs that’s surely a bug, if it’s specific to v6 you can’t use openVPN and IPv6 till the bug is fixed
Ah interesting! TIL. Thank you!
The router is still your firewall, it just doesn’t need to do NAT with IPv6
Normally firewall is on the router. Sensitive environments usually run one on the client as well.
As someone who has recently started seeding as much as I can, this is a great question to which I don’t have the answer.
I am not renewing my Proton yearly subscription after it ends due to recent developments. They seem to be the only “big name” VPN with the port forwarding feature. I heard of OpenVPN, but have not had a chance to dig into it too much.
My ISP does not provide IPV6 support, so this will be pretty important to sort out soon.
Torguard looks very BT friendly but I’ve still got mullvad subscription left and haven’t tried them. That and the branding / website just seem illegitimate though I’ve not found any legit criticisms.
OpenVPN is client/server software for setting up a VPN on your own infrastructure. It’s not a third-party service like ProtonVPN.
If you have a bit extra money, get a seedbox. Cheapest I’ve seen is €10/mo
I believe airvpn has port forward.
It does.
Well that’s great, airvpn has worked well for me in my torrent docker container and I recommend it for that purpose.
Airvpn offers port forwarding
Aren’t they located in Italy, the Shithole that keeps trying to outlaw all VPNs and/or force them to provide backdoors and identifiable customers? They can only be stopped so many times before they succeed…
Yeah it’s a bit of a “for now” thing and worth keeping an eye on Italy. To their credit, they don’t offer services in Italy itself anymore after the “privacy shield” bullshit because “it goes against their mission” (for what that’s worth lol)
Afaik, there’s not many other choices for port forwarding
I’ve been happily using Windscribe for a while now, they have port forwarding with a dedicated IP. Averaging out the separate charges, it’s about $4 USD/month for a custom plan (1 location + unlimited data) + dedicated IP. Technically their Pro tier includes ephemeral port forwarding, but I don’t like how it works.
I use Private Internet Access (PIA) and that has port forwarding. I read something about it on reddit but forgot about it, so idk of there’s anything bad it controversial surrounding PIA.
They got bought by a malvertising company a few years ago. It’s what made me drop them after being a customer of theirs for years.
There is, just not in relation to piracy. The concerns are more over its financial incentives/ownership and privacy.
I seem to be out of the loop in regards to proton controversy and I haven’t found anything outstanding against them…
Can you help me understand what you’re specifically referring to? I’m a proton user… so kinda want to know lol
as far as I can tell their CEO is a semi alt right cunt. Apart from that everythin seems pretty okay and the recent shift to nonprofit status is cool
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Holy shit dude, talk about binary braindead mentalities. Yeah, it’s true that a lot of the discussion around this misses a lot of important information, but this shit is literally a matter life and death here now for some people, and Andy Yen made that post right in the middle of a whole bunch of tech CEOs all kissing the ring. Americans are on edge for a damn good reason. That’s a good article, and I’m pretty convinced the whole thing was overblown, but if you can’t understand the difference between not trusting the guy who just praised a fascist and “trying to infect the rest of the world” then don’t fucking talk about other people being too binary in their thinking.
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You complain about “binary thinking” and then go on to claim that all Beehaw users think alike?
Can’t understand the difference between defending people who made a hasty decision when their life is on the line if they trust the wrong person and still supporting that decision now that there’s been time to analyze things? Wow, you’re 2 for 2 on the bullshit binary thinking on the basis of your bullshit stereotypes. Good job!
But I have already sharpened my pitchfork.
Thanks for sharing the other side of the story.
Thanks for sharing this. I saw Andy’s tweet and the outrage and did not form an understanding deeper than “people who dislike Trump are upset at Proton”.
I’ve bookmarked this link and will share it when I see this topic brought up.
Thank you for posting this, it’s convincing.
Hear, hear!
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😂 does everything have to be political now? I don’t care if the dude is a space alien who birthed Hitler, if the service is solid, I’m using it.
It has always been. FOSS is by itself political, just beyond the basic binary logic of left/right.
Your apoliticism is a political instance as well. Take for instance this quoute from Desmond Tutu “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”
I’m not saying you have to ditch Proton over their CEO’s takes, my point is that thinking that everything suddenly became political is naive.
It’s all so tiring
How do you think the people that are directly affected feel about it?
Nobody said trying to lead an ethical life was a vacation
Agree, but that’s reality. People suck, world sucks, life sucks.
You don’t have to change your lifestyle over whatever thing that <random person you don’t know nor care about> decided to say today. It is not wrong to feel that way neither. But, IMO, being aware of that, or at least being open to learn about that stuff, helps a lot to being in peace with it, and eventually, could lead to a more ethical consumption without going to extremes.
Everything has always been political. Just because you’re too privileged to notice that until someone mentions a viewpoint you dislike doesn’t mean anything except that you’re usually oblivious.
Willfully. Politics can suck it
You may as well tell blue skies and green grass to suck it. It exists and dictates your world whether you want it to or not.
That is ignoring the fact that the sky and grass are objective realities. “Politics” is all subjective. These are not the same thing, and your comparison is disingenuous and cynical.
True, you cannot avoid politics if you interact with others, hell, the family itself is the very first political unit. However, politics in the sense of news and elections is not the same, and is entirely avoidable. Your friends and families will tell you the important things anyway… it reminds me of the old blog post about avoiding the news, by Aaron Schwartz, well worth a read http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/hatethenews
CEO is a libertarian idiot who can’t see any difference between American Republicans and Democrats. CEO doesn’t have absolute control of proton, that’s a board of other privacy advocates. Proton as a service provider is still safe despite their CEO being a political twit.
IMO: A libertarian who doesn’t understand any value in why a government could possibly be good is the kind of person I want running an encryption service company. Wouldn’t trust him for running anything else though.
Devils advocate: Both parties love the alphabet agencies unconditionally and historically saw no problem with them. Still waiting for the Snowden wrist slap to happen. He is a bigger idiot for not letting public relations for the company handle his opinion.
Proton as a service provider is still safe despite their CEO being a political twit.
That twit was allowed to use the company’s Mastodon account to double-down on his shitty political post
Yeah, I’ll wait for him to start telling Engineers that the encryption infrastructure has to be done his way. And telling the proton board that the engineers are all liars.
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It still works for now, but it would be neat if only the uploading part needed to go through a VPN since that’s the bit you can get in trouble for.
Would need a way of obfuscating the uploaders and downloaders though.
The best solution IMO are seedboxes
We also have a community dedicated to them: !seedboxes@lemmy.dbzer0.com
Can’t have 20+ tb in a seedbox at a reasonable price
Localhost NAS with large storage, Rclone to seedbox, synch, remove old content from seedbox
Source: I have 8TB rn and about to add more, this is how I use my seedbox and store shit
Only seeding new stuff that everyone else is also seeding is not good for torrenting in general, it will kill a lot of content that’s more than a few years old and/or not completely mainstream.
Yeah most seedboxers are just the new leechers of this generation… Keeping up their ratio about an unreasonable amount where they can leech everything they want without the need to give back…
They just stay for the necessary amount of time specified by their private tracker and leave the queue afterwards.
IMO seedboxes should have another rule associated to them… Straight to 1 month seeding time or get a hit&run warning !
I wouldn’t call them leechers since they are seeding back to build said ratio. I think it’d be more accurate to call them a single component of a larger ‘structure’ including people like myself who permaseed from home on a slower connection. If it were all people like me, we’d all be waiting days for new releases to fully download and if it were all seedboxes, we would have zero seeders for anything older than a month or two. Many private trackers incentivize long-term seeding to help control this imbalance, and I think it works well in my experience.
Ah, right. Thank you for your service. 🫡