Elon Musk’s action are not his own and there are clear intentions behind them. They were planned over the last decade by Silicon Valley megalomaniacs, most notably Peter Theil (JD Vances mentor) with the intended goal of collapsing US democracy and replacing it with an autocratic system where its run like a corporation.
Elon is doing the dirty work and putting his face on it but there is a wider network of people behind it. His intended goal is not to cut government funding. It is to literally collapse the federal government.
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Honestly I don’t mind dictator esque people running the world into the ground if it means we get onto a hopefully better path later through shocking the system. I don’t know how things get better after they get worse but I know they will get worse and then the only place left to go at that point is up.
Its a stupid idea but we are in a stupid game.
LMAO that “if” is doing so much heavy lifting there, Elmo is going to claim he invented it to power the next gen of SpaceX rockets!
Lol I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if something like this happens, they gotta feed their egos somehow haha
As usual, hell is what it’s going to take to wake people up. Wish I hadn’t been along for this ride, but fuck it, had it good in the 80s, 90s, 2000s. Guess it’s time to pay the piper.
Well, looks like you’ll be getting your wish. Enjoy the oncoming chaos lol.
Not minding is not the same as wishing for.
Yeah but in the meantime a lot of people will be imprisoned or worse for committing no crimes. They won’t get to see that better day
I can’t imagine any situation where this isn’t a huge problem tbh
Well, yeah, that happens when fascists take over. What was your point? Not like anyone is going to stop them until it all goes to hell, real hell, not, “OMG! My video game and egg prices!” hell. More like eating cardboard for calories hell.