He’s just going to get people killed. But that’s ok he doesn’t give a shit anyways, so it’s moot. What are a few thousand dead peasants when we could make big stock number go up?

  • CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Yes, but the libruls made them do this, because woke/dei/crt and the trans. The amount of actual TDS (transphobic derangement syndrome) out there is something to behold.

    The crazies are obsessed with trans and other bullshit that has no impact on their lives (b-roll of migrant caravans, poor people living high on the hog on steak and lobster, etc) that they are completely willing to end democracy over it. Not even fucking kidding. It’s one thing when you see the elites saying democracy is over, it needs to be shunted aside so they can rule, it’s quite another when they have convinced a lot of stupid peasants to say the same kind of shit. As if the peasants’ lives won’t be remarkably worse under what the elites have planned…