How did it end for that Hitler guy as a leader ? I can’t recall.
Turns out the guy that killed him was an asshole.
Just goes to show you that even an asshole can do the right thing once in awhile.
I’m surrounded by Assholes!
Keep firing, Assholes!
I said shoot across her nose, not up it!
Complete tangent, but does anyone know why the Soviet Union offered so many different stories about the death of Hitler? What was their endgame with the disinformation?
If I had to guess, reading the muscovite mind, I’d have to say for the same reason they pump the world full of misinformation now: people they hate are easier to manipulate if they’re not even on the same page about what’s real
If you can’t believe anything, you could believe anything.
Lead poisoning.
In a ditch, covered in petrol, on fire.
so, that’s fun! I think that’s funny, ‘cause he was a mass-murdering fuckhead. And that was his honeymoon as well! Double trouble!
- Suzy Eddie Izzard, Dress To Kill
Some guy named Hitler killed him.
He died with his wife
He completely turned his life around and became a martyr hero by killing the most evil person alive at the time, even though it cost him his own life in the process.
He decided to ventilate his own skull.
He wasn’t all that smart. Mein Kampf is the poorly written ranting of a narcissistic lunatic with a grudge against the world. Sound familiar? The biggest difference between Hitler and Trump is that Hitler didn’t hire a ghost writer to dream up his shitty manifesto/autobiography out of thin air.
But based on the fact that the modern GOP thinks Trump is a genius sent by god I’m not surprised they’ve drastically overstated Hitler’s intelligence too.
“Haha Democrats, Republicans… They’re all the same! Haha. Haha. Ha. Ha…”
Yes, there was a difference between Adolf Hitler and Vidkun Quisling.
Why are GOP women doing anything other than making sandwiches? Don’t they know their place?
In the handmaids tale show, (spoilers) the main guy whose wife helped him write and institute all the policies ends up cutting one of her fingers off for reading the Bible, since she shouldn’t be reading at all. Eventually, they’ll see that they were just useful tools, but by then they’ll have lost their usefulness and there will be no one left to speak up for them. Honestly, I wish we could just give them a little plot of land to act out their BS, but obviously the children would be harmed in the process and that’s not really right.
This was my first out-loud laugh of the day. Thank you. I actually laughed twice.
Clearly it was the husband’s commandment to write this book.
reads headline
Ha ha ha, what a zinger from The Onion!
sees source
till Jan. 28 2025 when the page was removed
Setting aside their creepy praise for Hitler for a minute, the rest of that message is still pretty telling. They seem to think that any protest by educated people is a protest against the United States. They don’t understand that it’s possible to love your country and recognize when something is unjust and needs to change.
Police kill a black man and people protest? They must hate America.
Holy shit the context makes it even worse. I expected something subtle or at least a ww2 context, but nope, it’s just a free compliment for motherfucking Hitler out of nowhere.
Also the unclosed quote bothers me a lot more than it should
I guess that’s one thing you could take from the existence of the Hitler Youth, instead of “holy shit, do NOT do that”.
Me reading the title: oh it’s probably out of context, looking at it objectively he definitely wasn’t stupid if he knew how to manipulate people that well, he was just evil
Me reading the text: ok it really is that bad
Nazis. Take away the snappy logo, uniforms and motivational speeches. What have you got?
A crew of adventurous billionaires and their million pawns.
It doesn’t take intelligence to be a fascist dictator, quite the opposite that’s the draw for idiots like Trump and Leon. Organized crime, grifting, threats of violence and intimidation don’t require elaborate planning or prediction. Al Capone was well known to not be very bright.
Weird that it’s always the GOP doing such things.
What the actual fuck? They don’t even disguise it anymore! I imagine the grandparents from these people, who fought against the nazis must be rolling in their graves right now and thinking they should have gotten a vasectomy or something.
Bitches, his economic plan that other people had to come up with was deficit spending financed by tooth gold.
Well he was a more quarter-by-quarter type of planner, shareholder satisfaction you know
The smartest thing he ever did was remove himself from the war in '45.
deleted by creator
He was reasonably smart, and hella charismatic. They just left out the mental illness part that drove him to utilize his player stats to do all the evil he accomplished. They could also say he was an extremely influential man because of his massive and lasting impact on the world. It’s just lipstick on a pig. We know the whole story.
He was dumber than a box of rocks, and utterly incompetent.
Comparisons to trump are rather apt in all respects.
This is the part that I find oddly infuriating even though its already hitler. The guy was an awful leader, the allies even stopped assasination attempts once they realised how much of a hinderance he was to the German war effort.
The main difference is he did more social programs at first to distract the general population from what was happening. Trump administration is too dumb to even have a token policy benefit some subset of the population.