Now if Democrats were politically savvy, which they aren’t, and could actually understand the average American, they’d be hammering this point about Republicans not bringing down prices until the next century.
That would require the help of the media, and we all know that’s not going to happen.
Doesn’t really matter. Republican voters won’t hear it from any of their info sources.
The sad fact that we let a propoganda outlet fester for 3 decades without so much as even calling it out.
Where’ve you been? It’s been called out since its inception, and ramping up in intensity as time goes on and it gets worse.
It literally just makes them watch harder because “if they hate it so much it must be true!”
I guess I should have been more specific. The US government should have been forced to sue to shut it down at some point on behalf of American interests. Then all of that should have been public.
Yup. They are coddled in a media system that won’t let them know any real facts.
So you’re telling me the Democrats have a messaging problem?
Iono… after the NYT op-ed, does it matter? There’s no bullhorn. I guess social media?
The problem is that Dems are beholden to the truth. They probably couldn’t *bring down grocery prices either because it doesn’t work like that, so they can’t hold the other party to it either.
I don’t think what you said is clear, but to the extent that it is, I feel like it doesn’t make sense.
The Democrats don’t need to lie in order to point out that Trump was being a lying piece of s*** when he talked about bringing down prices. That’s true, they can quote him time and again, and media that is sympathetic to the Democrats could do the same if it chose to, but it won’t.
Also, many Democratic politicians and centrist media are not people or companies that I would particularly describe as highly truthful. They say true things a lot more than Donald Trump does, but that’s a rather low bar.
Finally, there are so many obvious things that Democratic politicians could do if they were serious about addressing the problem with expensive groceries. What if they push to raise the minimum wage and key it to the cost of living? What if they bust up the corporations that dominate the grocery store and food distribution industries? I feel like both of those could greatly impact the price of food.
Ok let’s play this out.
Dems say “Trump didn’t bring down grocery prices. He lied.” It really doesn’t accomplish much.
The message people want is “Trump didn’t bring down grocery prices. He lied. We would have brought them down.” Dems can’t say that because they know bringing prices down is hard af, prices are sticky, and there’s a good chance they wouldn’t have been successful. They may have, but there’s no guarantee and they know it. Because that’s how economics work. Dems can’t say that message because they are beholden to the truth.
What they are left with is the much weaker message of: “Trump didn’t bring down grocery prices. He was unsuccessful. We would have tried to resolve the supply chain issues, and would pushed for higher wages indexed to cost of living, oh and investigate price fixing by companies.” It’s weak, wordy, and relies on mechanisms that people don’t care to hear about. They have to tip toe around what they can say because they are beholden to the truth.
No, they aren’t beholden to the truth. Many of them lie a lot.
If the Dems have legislation, they can float it and then either it advances or not, depending on everyone else. It’s not a “would”. It’s a “we are trying right now, but the Republicans are blocking it because they like high prices”… Why would you ask the Democrats to apologize for the existence of Congress as whole? It makes no sense. People understand who has the majority and the White House.
They are beholden to the truth. To word it differently if it helps: they have to tell the truth, they have to be accurate, they have to explain reality, they have to explain how things work and why things don’t work. It’s the same reason left media doesn’t hold a candle to right wing media. The right wing media can twist, misportray, and outright lie. But the left media can’t, they are beholden to the truth.
I mean look at your reply. No offence, but it’s the exact wordy reply to jump though all the hoops in order to be accurate that I’m talking about. It that doesn’t hit. “We are trying” doesn’t hit, people don’t want that weak talk. “Republicans are blocking”, guess what people don’t want explanations, they want results. “Because they like…” holy cow you’ve lost everyone because they don’t want to know about mechanisms, they want elementary speak like Trump does. Congress and how it works? Holy cow. People. do. not. care. People. do. not. understand. Add it all up and everyone has tuned it out. You are grossly overestimating how much people know and think. This is why Dem messaging sucks, they have to jump through all this just like you did (because they are beholden to the truth and being accurate) and the message doesn’t hit.
I think I’ve said everything I can, it’s just repeating.
Further propagating the misinformation that the President has any reasonably effective way to lower grocery prices? Nixon’s grocery price fixing was an unmitigated disaster. An Executive Order is the only tool in the President’s toolbox for controlling grocery prices without congressional legislation. Biden couldn’t lower prices in 2020, just as Trump can’t lower them in 2024.
POTUS is responsible for many important things. The price of a bottle of Coke is not one of them.
Presidents and administrations might not be able to dictate specific prices, but they can and do enact laws and regulations that influence or even define the economy. Trump’s proposed tariffs are expected –not just by economists, but by markets, as seen after the election– to raise prices and, if they are enacted and result in the predicted outcome, fingers should be pointed at his Orangeness.
The President does not create laws, Congress does. The President can repeal laws, which doesn’t help in this context.
Tariffs are not laws. They are an additional tax, and you’re correct in stating that they certainly won’t lower prices.
The tariff establishes the market floor. Trump can enact tariffs without congress. It will be setting the economy on several market vectors.
If you don’t know how it works, don’t post troll content. #NotFeedingFurther #BrandolinisLaw
No additional tariff is capable of lowering a product’s price. It’s simply a way to give domestic production a competitive advantage without them lowering their prices.
My point is about the President’s limitations on fixing or lowering grocery prices, not raising them.
Google chicken wars. Stop wasting time, troll.
The Chicken Wars resulted in more expensive European imported chicken, not less expensive domestic chicken.
Not a single response in this thread has explained how a president can lower grocery store prices, and I’m the troll?
The Republicans have the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the Presidency. Trump can either lead his party to deliver for the American people, or he can’t. If executive orders are all he can do, then he really is a failure.
As for the powers of the executive, he may not have any direct ability to dictate prices, but tariffs and antitrust are pretty significant tools. If Trump’s FTC allows the Albertsons Kroger merger that Biden’s FTC blocked, then we’ll know he never intended to do anything about grocery prices.
Currently, yes. Republicans have the trifecta. They could affect grocery prices, but I don’t see Republicans infringing on ‘free enterprise’ like that.
The point I initially made is that the President alone cannot do anything to fix grocery costs without a systemic meltdown, so voters shouldn’t even be casting their presidential ballot on this topic.
It’s laughable that you still think Republican politicians actually believe in anything as high minded as “free enterprise”. That’s just the grift dude. Maybe some Republicans, 50+ years ago, but that ended a long time ago. They believe in whatever vaguely conservative sounding rationalization will make the most money for their sponsors. It’s no coincidence that red states being home way more federal spending than blue states. Farm subsidies yo! You think that’s Democrats? Trump massively increased subsidies the last time his idiotic trade wars almost wiped out farmers.
But, taking your naivete at face value, if Republicans don’t believe in distorting markets, then why the fuck did Trump promise to bring prices down? Why did he blame prices on Biden?
Grocery prices have little to nothing to do with free enterprise. Between farm subsidies, fuel subsidies, American military interventions to secure foreign resources, and externalities, the whole thing is a very bloody racket.
If you’re not sure if a Republican is being sincere or running a grift, they’re running a grift. If you’re sure they are sincere, you are wrong. Their job is to grift.
Added scare quotes to clarify sarcasm. Yes, the valve only goes one way with Republicans. They won’t regulate private enterprise in a way that adversely impacts domestic businesses.
Apart from the fact that he literally said he would, sure. Completely ignore all the claims made, and there’s no expectation that they would bring down grocery prices.
Of course that’s only if you ignore the things they said, with their mouths, while being recorded.
POTUS is responsible for many important things. The price of a bottle of Coke is not one of them.
I kept asking all the ding-a-lings that were going on about the price of eggs and blaming Biden what exact mechanism Biden used to cause inflation, etc…
Yup, not politically savvy at all.
Please educate me. Explain how the President can quickly fix grocery prices without an Executive Order? I haven’t seen anything else that can be done solely by the President.
Man, you really don’t get it do you?
I never insinuated that a President could affect grocery prices, I said Democrats should be savvy enough to realize they should hold his promises against him, which clearly you are not.
Americans that on average read at a sixth grade level don’t give a flying fuck if the President can magically fix grocery prices or not, it’s what they want to believe and what they tell themselves so they can sleep through the hunger at night.
I honestly don’t get how bad Democrats are at actually talking to people and connecting to regular people. You just hammer away that the guy in charge of the party in charge promised to fix your prices, you point out repeatedly that prices went up under their watch, regardless if it was their fault or not, and you outline how you will fix it, lie or not, in some folksy twang and not act like a giant pretentious douche talking down to the American public. Hell Democrats don’t even have to lie if they would actually listen to what progressives have been trying to tell you Democrats, “It’s the economy and the billionaire stupid”.
I’d be watching those egg prices and blame Republicans for the rise in egg prices as soon as he takes his oath but you know Democrats won’t be doing that, they’re not smart enough and savvy enough to do it.
They lost on purpose. Legit, only way i can make sense of it. Not only should there have been a primary, when they stumbled on the (as in the. Period. No other option) working strategy they stopped it. If their fuckwit institutionalist ideology doesn’t win they’d rather there be no one left to see their failure.
Donald Trump breaking a promise? Whatever will happen next?
Air is gas
Sounds like a woke conspiracy to run cars on air just to take jobs away from blue-collar oil and gas workers. Coal-rolls away in a lifted F-350 with aftermarket Cybertruck style headlights
Thanks for voting suckers
Stop blaming the voters and start blaming the democrats for being completely dogshit at selecting popular candidates and running an engaging campaign.
The democratic candidate was crap, so I voted for moronic Hitler. Making the country a terrible place for everyone oughta teach those dems to pick better candidates! /s
Keep on acting like that. I’m sure it will do wonders in attracting more voters and winning elections :-). Democrats lost to the couch, not to trump. People are apathetic to their milquetoast neoliberalism.
Like look. You were up against moronic hitler and you lost. Thats says more about you than the voters.
Maybe you just need to come to terms with this is what the electorate wanted. I’m sure you can find something wrong with any candidate the Dems put on the ticket but the choices this last election were clear on differences and we saw how that turned out.
There’s plenty of evidence of voter suppression and election interference, plus the fact that bullet ballots were like 500% higher in only swing states than every other election in history.
I’m not sure we can definitively say that this is what the electorate wanted.
I say we blame both. People that abstained, voted 3rd party, voted for Trump out of spite, etc. deserve their share of the blame for allowing the absolute worst president in history to have a second term. The DNC is to blame for running a campaign and candidates so milquetoast that people felt the desire to protest vote. Both things are true.
I’m reasonably sure there’s plenty of room to blame both.
But there’s only one that can be changed. You have to meet voters where they’re at. You can’t just constantly wish that they’ll pick the boring corporate centrist democrats keep pushing forward.
Oof true but Lemmy doesn’t want to hear that. The “Beatings will continue until you vote for Wall Street’s Candidate” crowd hit Lemmy hard during the campaign and they convinced a lot of people that it was the voter’s fault if Democrats lost.
As a matter of fact, grocery store prices will likely become far worse because of his tariffs and deportation policies.
It’s always the opposite with this cotton-headed ninny-muggins.
If only everyone had some warning that he lies a lot!
Even if he weren’t evil and a liar, it’s proven he’s an imbecile of the lowest order only a tier above his supporters.
Right. Dingus probably has zero idea of not only how inflation works, but how the price gouging was being done by elites and being blamed on “inflation”.
I guarantee that the only promises Trump is going to keep are the ones that will reduce consumer projections, increase profits for corporations, and make the rich richer.
Also, race-based oppression leading to mass slaughter with governmental backing.
Which is what Americans voted for. Because eggs are a bit expensive.
And bring polio back to the US, because eggs are expensive.
So, he’s not even in office and already squirming out of his promise…
Did not even wait for his throne to be able to uphold he tried something.
Perhaps he’ll say he had a concept of a plan but it was bad.
where are those shifty italians when you need them?
deleted by creator
Yeah, no kidding.
Gonna have to get a soundboard app where I can load up that Samuel Jackson clip…anyone have good recommendations?
My advice: Buy large bags of beans and rice, you’re probably going to need them.
Serial liar admits to lying. gasp. No wait, let me try again…ahem…
yeah no. Just can’t work up even a bit of fake shock.Oh look, the well-known con artist that you voted for in hopes that he would not con you has conned you! What a surprise!
Now we’re all stuck with this scumbag. I hope you’re all happy.
You counteract inflation by making sure people’s wages also change to reflect the new value of the dollar. Which they haven’t.
Prices don’t come down unless you enter a period of deflation. And if you thought inflation sucked, deflation sucks even more. Especially for a nation of people who hold a lot of debt. As the value of current grows, so does the value of your debt. If you have debt, your debt burden increases.