Mom, the quantum resonator is out of phase again!
Just give it two grapes, dear.
SmartTubeNext has been working fairly well for me for like 5 years or something. It’s super easy to side load on a Fire stick.
The article says she’s married, but the husband works out of state.
Last poll I saw looked promising for both amendments but still had Diapers up by 10 points. Who’s voting against Harris AND against the abortion ban?
A few bad actors can undo the work of thousands of hardworking people who care. I genuinely don’t know if the problem is solvable if it requires cooperation of the entire species. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Notorious Liar Says … Notorious Liar Wants … Honestly if the media would only write stories about the shit that actually happens we’d be in a better place. All that hypothetical shit is just rage bait.