Time to move from DVI to DP.
Time to move from DVI to DP.
Eh… Looking as “look like” or as “searching for”?
Yeah, you totally can believe this kind of guys. His word is the truth itself. Like Trump’s word of honor.
Presidential? Like Biden or Macron? Nothing. But the pardon from the Glorious Emperor of Universum is more weighty.
And every night his act’s the same
And so it must be all a game of chess he’s playing–
But you’re wrong, Steve. You see, it’s only solitaire
Something from Jethro Tull’s song…
Don’t let a tragedy to overshadow the sanitary requirements!
Yeah, AI is infamous for fingers and, I suppose, toes.
Trust a bone to a human? Why? That doesn’t make any sense. Stupidest thing ever. No dog would make anything so stupid. Totally unrealistic comic. Boo.
Stop hissing around, it isn’t your year.
Why not? For example, I know nothing about wine and buy it very rarely when I am tired of beer. I look at the price and the amount of sugar. White/red? I don’t care? Dry(no idea how it is called in English)? I don’t even know what that means exactly.
Just don’t tell French or they will send Legion or something…