This has happened and taken a bunch of services down around the world.
What a garbage.
Just use Linux, SELinux, strong sandboxing, repositories, nonexecutable home directories, strong access control, offline backups.
How about a testing environment separate from production
and phased rollouts …
And my axe
I watched a ocean of computers go dead on the floor because I couldn’t convince the sysadmin to do exactly that when pushing a major change.
Any more details?
This sounds like the setup to a fun story.
I’ve found it funny how many people think they need to defend windows by saying " this could’ve happened to Linux too!!"
Okay, sure. Yeah you’re right about Linux being just as insecure as windows too 😉
I think people are missing the point here. The biggest problem was not that the update was bricking the machines, that could’ve happened to Linux/macOS/BSD etc. The problem is that the solution to the problem is to MANUALLY access the machine, get into safe mode and type some commands. This is insane. And you should be able to EASILY disable automatic updates for apps like that on Windows Server.
I dunno, I’d say them deploying an update that bricked machines at the scale they did shows they didn’t test it very well at smaller scales. They could have even still used their users as beta testers, just needed to do a subset of them first.
Something similar did happen on Linux clients with CrowdStrike installed not too long ago lol
Sounds a bit like its a bad idea to install CrowdStrike regardless of the system 🙃
lol yeah that’s a glowing review.
“Oh, we can fuck other shit up too!”
Yeah but 14th Gen Intel CPUs are still failing regardless of your OS.
Proudly an AMD user for 25 years now :)
I’ve been driving Linux as my main for just about a month now and I didn’t think anything of it until I booted into Windows and had to deal with forced updates. Almost Done? JFC.
I deleted my windows partition after about 5 months of using Mint daily. Very freeing.