What I was implying- was that it must have meant that the age limit should be set for ONLY democratic representatives, yes?
Yes. Considering how democrats have spent the past few decades fighting progressives and not republicans, the democratic party is run by inflexible old centrists whose only concern is enriching themselves. The party should implement an age limit. If republicans want to be run by idiotic old fossils, let them. It’s to their detriment, as it has been to democrats’ detriment. If anyone can be elected as an independent despite being old, more power to them.
But I’m sure you’ll change everything I’ve said here to mean something entirely different.
I’m sure you’ll conveniently misunderstand this comment as well.
Yes. Considering how democrats have spent the past few decades fighting progressives and not republicans, the democratic party is run by inflexible old centrists whose only concern is enriching themselves. The party should implement an age limit. If republicans want to be run by idiotic old fossils, let them. It’s to their detriment, as it has been to democrats’ detriment. If anyone can be elected as an independent despite being old, more power to them.
I’m sure you’ll conveniently misunderstand this comment as well.
But Bernie is exempt right? Because he’s your guy? It’s always great when you people call yourselves out.
We’re done here.
Why would democrats be able to impose rules on someone outside of their party?
You have no problem with all the ancient democrats, right? Because they’re your guys?