TIL I’m not human. I wonder what path life has taken you that you’ve never been thankful for a voicemail. Granted, I’m annoyed by them more often, but I’ve definitely had a few good voicemails
This has always been a strange thing for me. All of my peers starting getting spam calls around middle/high school, but I never did. To this day, I hardly get any spam calls. And when I say hardly, I mean like… I genuinely think the total number of spam calls I’ve gotten since turning 18 is less than 50 at most.
So, I leave my voicemail on. Because I know that damn near every time I get a voicemail, I know why I got it. I know that person/company and they’re calling me because I asked them to
TIL I’m not human. I wonder what path life has taken you that you’ve never been thankful for a voicemail. Granted, I’m annoyed by them more often, but I’ve definitely had a few good voicemails
last time I got a voicemail that was worth anything your computer speakers would announce it
Out of curiosity, do you get many spam calls?
not since turning on do not disturb with an exception for contacts.
This has always been a strange thing for me. All of my peers starting getting spam calls around middle/high school, but I never did. To this day, I hardly get any spam calls. And when I say hardly, I mean like… I genuinely think the total number of spam calls I’ve gotten since turning 18 is less than 50 at most.
So, I leave my voicemail on. Because I know that damn near every time I get a voicemail, I know why I got it. I know that person/company and they’re calling me because I asked them to
I’ve never used voicemail. It’s mostly an American thing that I’m too European to comprehend.
I don’t use it often, I will admit. But as a night shift worker, it has definitely saved me a lot of struggle.
This last month I’ve gotten quite a bit of use out of voicemails, between apartment hunting and some big purchases for my workplace