I just searched “nazi salute” on r/conservative… and its just such insane denialism…
Like, what if musk just do the “Heil H**ler” too?
I wonder what excuses they’ll make then?
Fake News?
r/conservative should be renamed to r/neonazi
Probably just say he was joking.
This is what I think would be most probable too. It’s still too socially stigmatized to outright say something that effectively just means “I’m a Nazi,” so they’d have to play it off as some kind of joke.
I do, however, think a lot of them would suddenly, for no reason in particular, begin saying things like “Well, Hitler was a bad guy, but he did have some good ideas…” while going on to describe some of the worst ideas known to man.
The Apollo program was done by Nazis and that wasn’t so bad /s
Well, it certainly explains a lot about SpaceX’s success…
This is already a thing
“Even hitler cared about germany… or something…”