e; I typo’d the original headline and forgot the word “states,” thought I fixed that before anyone noticed but now I’m seeing confusion in the comments over that edit, so, yeah - my bad!
the owner class does not care about us.
In fact they’re all for it. Everyone must crush orphans for the orphan crushing machine. No frugal living allowed.
So how are we going to make them care? We all need to be seriously working this out right now.
We need to make them afraid of the power of the masses. I suggest starting with a general strike.
I’m not an expert, but stuff won’t change until the domesticated middle class start feeling the pain. So go out and raise the price of eggs and push up the cost of insurance.
Last time during the housing bubble a shit ton of people got kicked out of their houses and faced decades long financial setbacks. Well the good folks got together and bailed out the banks and institutions while fucking over the home owners. Just basic gamblers logic tells me one of these disasters will have to result in a bailout for the peasants.
So, I’m assuming that if someone gets arrested for sleeping outside, they get put into a for-profit prison, hm? WEIRD.
And it costs Americas more to put them in prison then to just house them.
Where else are they going to get their slave labor from now that cannabis is decriminalized in so many places?
Prison is a for-profit business just like any other.
Can you imagine getting up from your bed and doing your morning routine. Only to leave the house and fuck with people that live on the streets in tents.
I know a person whose parent made it a habit of driving around and harassing homeless people from their car with a bull horn.
Think about that. Some people have no decency or morals.
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
For those confused like I was, it’s 150 cities in 32 states.
Yep, I forgot word
Wow, 150/32 cities? Talk about excessive!
The original post had a typo where the word states was omitted, OP has since edited.
For those who are confused by this comment.
Correct, apologies for the confusion!
I mean, it’s kinda halfway between a 4th and 5th amendment violation, so the math works out
I can only guess it’s to prevent workers from accidentally stabbing themselves on a needle, but the use of that huge earth mover seems so overpowered and inhumane in clearing those tents.
Wow at that image. Was a front loader really necessary for that?
Someone was crushed to death fairly recently by someone doing exactly this.
Fuck, I don’t know what’s more infuriating, that this happened at all, how incredibly predictable it was, that it hasn’t changed the use of heavy equipment on these tent cities in other areas, or that this comment is somehow the first I heard about this happening.
His name was Cornelius Taylor, he was a resident of Atlanta, and he was killed a few days before MLK Jr day across the street from the church where King was a pastor (archived). The moral arc of the universe is too long.
Yes. FUCK the poor. We need to send a strong message to them that it is NOT okay to choose to be homeless (/s)
Not strictly, but you don’t want to be doing it with your hands due to the risk of sharp objects like needles, and thus infection.
Mine is one of them, only they banned “camping in public” because one of the council members who isn’t a jackass asked “so, we’re also going to fine people who nap in the park in business attire, right?”. They were trying to frame it as an act of compassion by saying that they’d give them the choice to go to shelter or take a fine, but when I reached out to the homeless court program here that’s over that, the guy running it told me that there were only half as many beds available as we need. He still thought it was a good idea. I went to the city council the night they passed it and pointed out that the city doesn’t have enough beds, and this is just going to end up being kicking people out of their tents and telling them to freeze. I got the standard “thank you” for my comment and they passed it anyway.
Well, at this last council meeting, a homeless woman showed up to tell the city that they trashed her tent and camping equipment and told her that it would be thirty days before any shelter was available. She asked them point blank “you guys who threw away my tent, you’re going back to sleep in a warm bed tonight, but what am I supposed to do?” The one council member who voted against the ordinance took the chance to gently kick the mayor in the nuts and diplomatically pointed out “I remember when the ordinance was passed, it was framed as a way to connect people with services. I guess I just don’t understand what services we’ve connected her with here.” He spoke softly, but it felt like he hit the rest of the council with a steel chair. A lot of people in the crowd started mumbling about how terrible what had happened to her was. Chef’s kiss moment. Now, thankfully, our PD has been working hard on being a direct connection between homeless people and services they need instead of just tossing them to the labyrinth of different disconnected aid groups, and one of the officers that was there got to work trying to connect her with some shelter, but that only happened because she showed up and called the council out.
I guess the point is, it’s worth your time to get involved in local politics.
All conservatives are disgusting excuses for human beings, all of em
I would be fine making homelessness illegal only after we have provided everyone with housing
After looking at the states that immediately latched on to an opportunity to kick the most vulnerable, I can’t say I’m surprised. Shit ass states full of shit ass people with shit ass mentalities.