My sister got a Bluetooth headset and it reminded me that i cant use those because my ears heat up in less than 10 seconds after putting them on, in fact as i am typing this my ears are kinda of uncomfortably hot. Dust also cause my ears to heat, it usually the cause but it can also happen randomly as well as when i leave the PC monitor running when i sleep(same room).
there is some other stuff i thought to mention but i think it would be better for a post after discovering your body(e.g my cousin though all ppl can only see through one eye until recently because he himself can only see through one eye and that’s how he found out he has only one functioning eye)
Also feel free to talk about NSFW stuff and is this post hard to read(sentence structure wise)? Cause i never know if ppl have hard time reading my post, and at the moment i find it hard to read myself
When laying in dark, any smallest sound makes a bright flash appear in my eyes, before I realize there was a sound. So I am always surprised when it happens, and fraction of a second later I realize there was a sound. So it’s Synesthesia, but from Wish.
Ha! This happens to me as well! I do have a funny slight extra detail though. I can’t really visualise images in my minds eye (almost aphantasia), but when I’m closing my eyes to go to sleep, and a sudden noise happens, I see a flash of white like you, but also usually some random af detailed image flash in my minds eye. It’s so weird, always different, always amusing, and the closest I get to visualising. It could be anything, like a old woman in a cowboy hat riding a horse or whatever. Also, I have slight grapheme-colour synesthesia, so it’s interesting that you called it wish synesthesia! I wonder if it plays some role!
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Absolutely all sounds, but it has to be unexpected!
I blush extremely easily when I’m aroused or embarrassed . My previous partner used to rely on it to see if her flirting worked and even tried to push it as far as she could to see how red I could get. The answer is very, very red! Even my chest starts blushing at some point! When I have an orgasm I’ll often be blushing all over my body. Apparently it’s normal and I don’t have any health problems…
Also my sense of smell is insane, and I can touch my nose and my elbow with my tongue.
If I hold my pee for too long, I struggle to start peeing. It’ll weakly dribble but some will come out, then about 5 minutes later I can piss normally. It’s bullshit.
Guessing you’re a male? Similar issue here too. Gets worse as you get older I’ve found.
Came on pretty suddenly when I had my appendix out around 20. They put a catheter in for the surgery and there was a little mishap that required some repair. Everything works fine unless there’s too much backpressure. Hasn’t changed much in the past 18 years.
I’m not your twin am I? I had mine out right before 20…
Sometimes if I take too big a gulp of water at once, the little bone near my adam’s apple clicks out of place and I have to manually reset it.
Hey! Me too. I thought I was the only one. Happens when I yawn sometimes too.
When I have to shit really bad I can feel a pain in my forearm. Not like a painful pain but more like a tingling sensation in only my left forearm.
How strange! When I have to pee really badly, I feel it in my teeth. Is that weird or normal?! My past partners have never had this uncomfortable tingling sensation from it. I always clench my jaw and wiggle to try and ease the feeling. Obviously also go pee.
I can scoop a spit bubble up off the bottom of my mouth with my tongue, fold my tongue around it, and blow the bubble out of my mouth, and it floats to the ground.
I can think myself into immediately stopping hiccups.
I can also puke on demand.
You could make a killing in the Japanese porn industry
I…I could? Humans are weird and wonderful creatures.
I can burp on command tho i think that ones command
I can wiggle my little toes independently.
My ears have a little muscle in them that acts like an eject button for hard earbuds ( like apple)
Some microphones can’t pick up my voice.
We need more information here because that doesn’t seem possible. Is it something like your voice is so deep that cheap microphones don’t capture it or what?
I assume you dont mean poor quality ones. is your voice really deep or really high pitched to you or other ppl around you
They’ve already responded to both of you, you just can’t see it. Now you see the problem.
Yeah, my instance been having problems for a while now, it used to be that blocked communities always show up but know 10 tens of comments dont show up
I think it was a joke 🙂
I sometimes feel the same thing at different spots of my body.
Like if someone pinches the skin on my back I could feel the pain of the pinch on my shoulder as well.
Me too! If I’m scratching or picking at my skin, sometimes I feel it somewhere else, so I figured it’s normal and just nerve signals being connected somehow, but never spoken about it.
I can hear the muscles in my eyes when I look from side to side.
This happened to me when I took antidepressants for the first time, as well as being incredibly sensitive to sound, to the point where I could hear electricity.
Not being hyperbolic at all. To test this my partner and I tested a bunch of devices, she flicked either a dummy-switch, or one powering an appliance, and with my back turned, I could tell her if it was on, off, or she hit a dummy switch.
Ultimately I couldn’t stand being on antidepressants, I felt like my IQ dropped 10 points.
I always thought hearing electricity is normal, up until I realized most people can’t do that. Never been on antidepressants or anything, that’s my normal state of consciousness.
Surprise surprise, I’m extremely sensitive to all kinds of noise.
I can hear the 60hz hum in the US but the 50hz EU grid is silent to me.
Every time I’ve gotten a hearing test I get praise from the ear person.
“Your hearing is exceptional!!”
I know it is. Do you have any idea how often I change out the charging blocks in my room?
Yeah same problem. Worst were CRT monitors or old tube-TVs, they made a constant sound quite like a tinnitus.
And all that, for what? So that we can hear someone from like 1 foot further away? Perhaps in the apocalypse we’ll be like dowsers for electricity?
Hearing: a little bit of super. No power.
Some appliances are louder than others. Curious to hear what appliances you can hear
I’m able to hear the AC hum from motors and any inductive heating elements.
When it’s completely silent in the room, I can hear the transformer in my phone charger make a variable squealing sound
I don’t mean the hum of any moving parts, I mean the stand-by electricity flowing through them.
Phone charger, kettle, laptop, TV, stove, fan (without the fan actually moving).
She turned on a vacuum
Being dumb does seem to be the key to happiness
I have hypermobility, but a mild form that just lets me bend my fingers back without any of the major problems associated with it.
My hands and feet are slightly adhesive when they’re any wetter than bone dry, so you can hear a faint peeling sound when I walk barefoot in the house, even a little bit on short carpet. Think peeling scotch tape and reduce it by 50%.
I can also control the muscles responsible for equalizing the pressure in my ears, and that allows me to put them under a slight vacuum to slightly dampen loud noises.
I also have long toes. Not to the extent of a chimp, but I have successfully signed my name with them before (though even lower quality than signing with my left hand).
I also cannot cry from cutting onions. This sounds awesome until you’re cutting 3 bags of onions in one go and you learn that the tears dilute the sulfuric acid that forms. That was a painful evening.
I can dislocate my joints at will. Thing with Ehlers-Danlos but it’s a nice party trick
I have a few
A Dexa scan I had done revealed that I have an incredibly dense skeleton in the top 1% of the US national database. It sounds neat but it does absolutely nothing to stop all the soft tissue damage that sports accumulates.
A genetic test revealed I have the super taster gene, some things taste godly but mostly things people like taste bad to me. Coffee, beer, wine for instance are all repulsive.
I have no refractory period. I can pretty much have sex as long as I want and cum over and over again. Record for a single session was 19 with a kinky femdom I used to play with. Despite what all of those female rap songs tell you, there actually aren’t very many women that are ready for Mr all night when he shows up.
I heal incredibly fast, I had major surgery and I blew past all the normal milestones for recovery.
I have central heterochromia in both eyes which I’m told is attractive
I also likely have the genes for FNSS (familial natural short sleep) which basically just means that I am genetically predisposed to only require 4 to 5 hours Sleep a night to feel completely refreshed.
Geez, look at mister perfect over here. /s
Actually though, does your dense skeleton give you a resistance to broken bones?
I do a few tough sports like MMA, bouldering, snowboarding etc and thus have never experienced any bone break, but I’ve had bad tendon injuries.