Add up all the snow I’ve ever personally seen in my 40+ years and it still wouldn’t be as much snow as this.
Here’s a reporter in Buffalo last month when they had a wild lake effect snow storm.
That’s nuts!
This is a photo of the lake effect snow coming in. It’s so wild!
Reminds me of being out in the desert and seeing a sandstorm rolling in
I’ve seen a lot but nothing like this. A few years ago we got about 50-60 cm. I couldn’t get off the steps of my building that day because nothing at all was cleared, and I went inside and called in sick because what else can I do, and my spouse sneered at me for it, went outside and tried to dig the car out for 45 minutes, and then his boss cheerfully texted him it was a snow day and to enjoy LOL
Yes, the photos were wild.
Useless fact of the day: Newfoundland actually isn’t considered a maritime province.
Well I’m a bad Canadian, I didn’t know.
I don’t suppose most do
I knew it, my aunt sent me similar photos a couple years ago
Meanwhile in New Orleans, the entire city is preparing to shut down because they might get 1-3 inches on Tuesday.
They have no infrastructure. It’s absolutely nothing here unless you get a great lot of snow, we got a huge storm three years ago and I couldn’t go anywhere that day but within a day or so everything was cleared.