every website i’ve found only has individual chapter downloads for chapters. i would like a single download for a full book. still new to piracy, i just got a vpn recently so very new. any recommendations are welcomed.
Audiobookbay has been excellent for me. Just have to make an account I believe.
Second ABB
It’s great for most of the stuff I read
saved! i do like this site!
Its honestly a coin toss. Great resource for finding books, don’t get me wrong, but its hit or miss if the book you want is in the right format for what you’re asking.
MAM, you have to apply but it’s easy.
i will look into this! thank you!
MAM, please calm down.
I’ve just noticed I created my account 12 years ago this month!
Must’ve downloaded terabytes over the years. A lot of stuff is on Rapidgator so it’s worth having a Realdebrid account
I have also had this issue. Sometimes I have just used Audacity to stitch them all together into one file. Not the most elegant solution but it will get you by if you can’t find a single file.
Find a tool to properly convert them to .m4b format. This holds the whole book incl. cover and chapter marks in one single file. You can use HE-AAC or AAC-LC which are both superior to MP3 and result in much smaller files.
noted! thank you!
You can also stitch them with ffmpeg if a CLI is more your speed
there are just as many audiobook releases done as individual chapter files as there are in chaptered m4b files. any good audiobook player should handle either just fine.
I get most of my audiobooks from soulseek at the moment, but there are a few things that are pulled from Usenet and ABB
https://abtorrents.me/ if you can get in. Has a decent selection from my experience.
Could you recommend a good app for playing these posted audiobooks?
Smart Audiobook Player has been my go-to for a couple years now. Free version is pretty feature complete, good performance too. I’ll listen all day at work and still be at like 70-80% battery on my old ass phone, whereas the shitty audible app will leave me at like 40% or less with minimal interaction.
I’ve been using it for years, it works with chaptered m4b files perfectly, but also plays separate chapter files in just about any format you throw at it seamlessly.
Thanks for the recommendation