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- news@lemmy.world
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- news@lemmy.world
The Green Party leader has hired a GOP consulting firm and worked with Trump-affiliated lawyers.
The Green Party leader has hired a GOP consulting firm and worked with Trump-affiliated lawyers.
Our biggest offender would, but they’re currently serving a 3-day ban for Sealioning (public mod logs are awesome).
Don’t worry, he’ll return 2 Lemmy soon.
Hey there! You’re right.
TIL there’s a public mod log
Yep! And I would suggest everyone look at.
What an echo-chamber cop-out. Asking for claims to be backed up is trolling
Ah! Look what we have here, right on cue.
Yessir, reporting to defend democracy from efforts to keep candidates off ballots
Lol, whatever helps you sleep at night.
Defending democracy… By working as hard as possible to elect the guy who wants to end it!
Weird flex.
Banning political opponents from participating in an election is the end of democracy already.
Its hard to beat American intolerance isnt it. Democrats shout everyone should get along while throwing shit at multiple groups. Republicans just do the throwing shit part.
This country needs to wash the shit off their hands and learn how to actually work together for a change.
Nobody is banning anyone from participating in an election. Want to be on the ballot? Follow the state rules. Otherwise, mount a write-in campaign.
Now address the fact that you are working as hard as possible to elect the guy who wants to end democracy.
Jill and every other third party candidate is banned from several state elections. Write ins arent allowed in most states.
False. Had they simply followed state laws, they could be on the ballot or mount write-in campaigns. Only nine states entirely disallow write-in campaigns: Nevada, New Mexico, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Hawaii.
Again, false. Forty-one states and D.C. all allow them, but there are rules to follow to have your write-in candidacy counted.
Now again: Address the fact that you are working as hard as possible to elect the guy who wants to end democracy. I’m not going to stop asking this and let you dodge it.
I’m with ya, brother!
Hi! :)
So you’re admitting to sea lioning? Bold move
Nope. But it’s public that I had a 3 day ban for it. Modlogs are public, friend.
[sea lion noises]
Got it. That certainly makes everthing about you make a lot more sense. And I’m not your friend.