Yet another event canceled by him and this one was with friendly people

    2 hours ago

    He will. And I suspect it will be shortly (within the first two years) after he takes office, putting J.D. Stalin in charge. I suspect he has a serious illness, of which both he and his close advisors are aware, and they are keeping silent about it. It would explain Vance’s presidential-nominee-style campaigning as well as a few other things about the planned transition…

    That should actually make people more scared. A narcissist cannot fully comprehend their own death. Instead, it will make him even more volatile, more violent, and more vicious. If a narcissist is going to die, they truly believe everyone and everything else should too. Ask anyone that has watched a narcissistic parent die.

    A narcissist faced with a terminal diagnosis is likely to respond with intense emotional volatility. The sudden loss of control and the threat to their inflated self-image can ignite unpredictable bouts of anger and even violence. Their sense of entitlement and the belief that they deserve special treatment will cause them to lash out anyone that does not meet their demands. This rage, driven by a deep fear of losing control, can manifest in dangerous, hostile outbursts as they struggle to maintain dominance in an increasingly powerless situation.

    Simultaneously, their manipulative tendencies may escalate. They weaponize everything. It they’re dying, everyone should be dying. The narcissist’s desperate need to protect their fragile sense of superiority leads to highly destructive behavior. So, if it’s the case that he has received a terminal diagnosis and he wins the presidency, which polls show is increasingly likely… Strap. The. Fuck. In.

      48 minutes ago

      I refuse to believe that they could possibly win. And in such a case. I refuse to believe that normal, sane, non-piece-of shit Americans will fail determine the cause of their cheating and correct it.

      Short of this is anarchy as far as I’m concerned. There is no legitimate case in which tRump wins.

        32 minutes ago

        OK. Well, Silver’s polling aggregator currently shows Trump with a 6.5% advantage to win the electoral college over Harris, so, you can deny the possibility all you want. That doesn’t make it a less real, and at this point even likely, possibility.