Dead spiders also make excellent “necrobots” because their leg joints are pneumatic so very easy to control mechanically.
We could live in a world where bird drones have eight-fingered hands made from spider corpses.
Ok the singularity is actually scary now. Necrobots??
What are we else anyway, besides internal dead bots working for an overlord making money from our decline to dirt?
I don’t know much about the 40k universe but this makes me think of it for some reason
They made a meme real, in a cave, from a box of scraps!
so when do we weaponize this
Implying we aren’t
As soon as humanly possible, if history is any indicator
Ever hear of bird flu?
The owls are not what they seem.
When did conspiracy troll boards become “Shark Tank”… Like someone pitches an outrageous idea and years later someone is like… well…actually…
Imagine the horrors that the real live birds will be witnessing soon
“Hey wait, that’s Fred! What is he doing here? Thought he was down in Africa?”
“Nah dude, haven’t you heard? He got caught by one of these weird transparent contraptions those silly two-pedalers use for their nests.”
"Oh damn, didn’t know that. But how the hell is he flying over there? And why is circling over the flock of ground-dwellers with rainbow-coloured flags? "
Mirror? The original link looks dead.
Can’t be true because obviously birds aren’t real.
Oh good, Stalker birds
I wonder when london will get its wheels
I wonder when london will get its
Like that cat from 20yrs ago?
The birds they’re working for the science!
Reminds me of the Dustmen from Planescape: Torment. Maybe in our future, even death won’t be a retirement.