Someone else brought up such a great reminder - Marie Antoinette had a little fake village built for her so she could pretend to be a poor person. Servents would have to work in the fake businesses and like, sell her a loaf of bread and shit.
Absolutely no idea why I’m bringing that up in this specific thread.
Trump put on an apron and took pictures for the media of him working behind the counter scooping fries. The guy has uncontrollable anal leakage to the point that he has to sit on pads so he doesnt stain couches, but Mcdonalds let him into the food prep area to touch peoples food???
WTF, mcdonalds. First you give away free food to the IDF, and now you quite literally smear shit on food for a photo op?
The towel/couch thing is not true. It looked like it on the pic and there were memes about it, but in the video it’s clearly just his ridiculously long suit ties.
Trump has a million other valid things to mock, don’t mock the debunked stuff or we’re no better than Fox News.
I dont see that it has been debunked. Do you have info you can show me please? Old people wear diapers. It happens. I am quite literally taking care of 2 elderly adults who wear diapers right now. 45% of elderly wear diapers, and yes, you do smell them at times. In this case neither of us can prove or disprove his continence.
I cannot prove whether he’s continent or not. I’m just saying I’ve seen multiple posts of him sitting on “a towel” like this
In which the videos clearly show it’s just his stupidly long coat tails.
And debunked stuff like that is simply not needed when we’re talking about Trump. We should check our sources and assumptions because the right does not.
In which the videos clearly show it’s just his stupidly long coat tails.
No. its not clearly shown at all. Nor is it debunked. Looks like a towel to me. Nor do you have any proof at all.
For fucks sake.
This is exactly what I’m talking about. What did you do before deciding I have no proof? That it’s “not debunked”.
You don’t have to disprove a negative, that’s not how proof works.
All I’m trying to say is we should do our research lest we should be as susceptible to bullshit as the right is.
Look, I googled it. First result.
Edit: for those who don’t want to watch a video, it clearly shows him sitting on the towel-less couch.
Stop being so stupid that I get put in the unenviable position of defending a man I despise.
This is his most absurd photo op yet. I do not believe he is certified to handle food. If he doesn’t know how not to contaminate food then he’d be putting the health of customers in danger.
Coming soon “orange cheese dusted Big Mac”
I would never have known Harris worked at McDonalds, but Trump will not shut up about it.
He just can’t accept the thought of some peasant fast food worker making their way to the top
He’s just such a fucking reegard