Realizing this investigation has been quietly going on for 4 years now makes me think of all the other ongoing investigations that the incoming Trump administration will kill, so they can focus on fabricating reasons to pursue their political enemies.
Honestly how are politicians ok with this? The pulled out all the fucking stops to catch Luigi. That took 4 days and this one is still going on 4 fucking years later? Regardless of sides there were bombs planted at both the RNC and DNC. I don’t see how both sides aren’t screaming for that to be a higher priority.
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Honestly how are politicians ok with this?
George Carlin said it best: it’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.
That took 4 days
And that was with him chilling conspicuously out in public and making no attempts to lay low, after making no attempt to hide his face during the incident.
Meanwhile at Google, searches for the height of Marjorie Taylor Greene suddenly spike.
It’s 5’ 3". Saved you a search.
I didn’t know shit could clump that high without supports…
You’re imagining all of the shit being clumped together at once, as if 50+ people all shat into a pile to create her.
What is much more likely is that she was shat out by a single individual, giving the piles time to dry up a little bit between each shitting. Providing that extra bit of structural integrity it takes for her to do that crossfit bullshit.
A walking pile of shit like the Golgothan?
Yes, but unable to be abated by a small amount of anti-stink spray!
Thanks. I don’t suppose you happen to know the height of the virginia guy they just arrested and were “investigating” for over a year? the one with shitloads of pipebombs?
it looked like 5’7" in the mugshot
next question…
any chance this guy is dating Marge?
So she was wearing platform shoes at the time?
Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body
This is about the thing that happened years ago, not about pipe bombs discovered now (in anticipation of the Jan 6 that is occurring in four days)
Just in time… Good job guys 🙄
It was Marjorie Taylor Greene. Gimme the $500,000. /s
Kaczynski pleaded guilty to criminal charges and killed himself in a federal prison in 2023.
I didn’t know it was suicide. I always figured it was from old age type reasons.
He had been diagnosed with rectal cancer of some form in 2021. Presumably, it was a case of “well it’s not responding to chemo that well, so I either take myself out quickly or die slowly in a prison hospital.” I don’t like the idea, but I understand it.
This is just a political witch hunt of a poor innocent, swept up by their support of donvict…