Private and on-device speech recognition keyboard and service for Android. - soupslurpr/Transcribro
Hi everyone this is my first post on here. I saw my other app called BeauTyXT posted here so I wondered why not post my newest app here.
Private and on-device speech recognition keyboard and service for Android. - soupslurpr/Transcribro
Hi everyone this is my first post on here. I saw my other app called BeauTyXT posted here so I wondered why not post my newest app here.
Very cool, and +1 for accrescent, although an fdroid or izzy release would be nice. How does it compare to sayboard?
Yet another appstore… I just want to get the app. I don’t care about what stupid repository the developer prefers. This is getting out of hand. Definitely not downloading another appstore just to get this app.
Hi, you don’t need to download another app store to get Transcribro. Accrescent is not required, just recommended (because of its security properties and optional auto updates). If you read the download section, it clearly states that Transcribro is also available on GitHub releases. You could use something like Obtanium if you want to get it from GitHub releases with auto updates, or just install the apk. You don’t have to use any app store 😄
That’s great but this is Android. I don’t want to install random apks from Github. Google, Fdroid and Izzy are trusted stores that people have been using for decades. Sure, there are better stores and newer technologies. It’s great when apps distribute over these stores to. But why artificially remove options? Shouldn’t it be up to the customer (and their threat model)? Afterall, I’m getting the app from the store and not the store for the app.