Me and my girlfriend are attempting a keto-style diet, but I am a terrible chef and don’t have much energy to cook generally. Previously I’d mostly eat soups and stews since I could make a huge pot, freeze some of the extra and eat it with rice, but most of the recipies I know aren’t keto friendly (or at least the one suitable for a full meal). It also doesn’t help that I’m a pretty terrible cook and my girlfriend is used to well-seasoned African cuisine.

I’m hoping to find some keto or keto-adjacent meals that can be prepared in bulk easily, and ideally (but not necessarily), frozen.

    3 months ago

    Some nits to pick:

    Ketosis is a metabolic state where the body burns fat for fuel (lots of handwaving, but more or less)

    ANY diet where weight is lost MUST have states of ketosis to metabolize fat (by definition). This includes the old classic ‘eat less, move more’, ‘count calories CICO’, ‘low fat diet’ etc.

    A ketogenic diet, keto for short as people use it, is a diet that keeps people in the metabolic state of ketosis for extended periods of time. There are food groups that do not introduce glycemic load (fat and protein), and therefore keep the metabolic state of ketosis.

    I must respectfully disagree with the statement that keto isn’t safe - if that statement were true, then losing any weight ever, would not be safe - including sleeping (you run out of glucose and burn fat while you sleep… break-fast is called that for a reason). The flip side of the ‘keto isn’t safe’ statement is the implicit statement that carbohydrates are a essential macronutrient - which is an difficult position to defend.

    If we modify the statement to be prolonged periods of ketosis are not healthy, then we need to answer how long, and what levels of carbohydrates are essential. We would also need to account for the metabolic success of cultures that do not consume carbohydrates (historic Inuit for example - who lived in cold regions where no grains grow).