Sen. John Fetterman faced backlash from progressives after his first post on Truth Social calling the hush-money case against Trump “bullshit” and suggested pardons for both Trump and Hunter Biden.
Fetterman reiterated his stance from recent interviews, arguing such cases erode public trust in institutions.
The response has been divisive, with Trump supporters and progressives both criticizing him.
Fetterman’s broader shifts, including support for Israel and mocking climate activists, have alienated some Democratic supporters while gaining him favor among conservatives.
What the fuck happened to him? He seemed so promising just a few years ago.
Brain damage. He had a stroke a few years ago and switched from liberal to conservative real fast.
He was always like this, he just became more abrasive after the stroke.
We just closed our eyes and looked the other way when he showed himself to be a rabid zionist and assumed he’d grown from when he chased a black man through neighborhood with a shotgun.
You see him go against AIPAC-backed corpo dems in the primary and interpreted some labor rhetoric and putting a hammer and sickle in his profile pic and it’s easy to mislead yourself.
It’s what happens when you don’t do the critical part of critical support.
This is different from Sinoma who simply lied about all of her positions.
I think this is the most charitable interpretation.
He was never particularly liberal… he just had enough money to throw around in grand acts that people assumed he was generous and cared about regular people.
Never trust someone from York county.
I can forgive virtually everything else he’s said… But suggesting Biden grant a pardon to a man who has shown no remorse or even an admission that his alleged crimes might be wrong is so far off the path of wisdom that i dont think its even fair to count his seat “blue”.
Really, you could cut the headline to “Fetterman made his first post on truth social”, and I’d still be disappointed, the rest just put a cherry on top.
What a fucking disappointment.
Don’t know why people were disappointed, this is who he’s always been
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I really do wonder if the second part is a possibility.
Brain damage doesn’t cause conservatism. I had a TBI as a teenager and went far left. My experiences in trying to get treatment completely radicalized me.
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so he understands that trump is guilty, of treason, and he wants him off the hook.
Post summary says he’s calling for a pardon on the campaign finance fraud case (the porn star hush money). So assuming that’s an accurate summary he’s not calling for a pardon on treason. Also it’s a state crime so it’s not one the president can pardon anyway.
ohhh I didnt read to clarify as I figured it was the only federal charges that were outstanding. Thank you for putting me straight on this issue. So its just as it always is, theater.
Things looked like we might finally see justice, but after this victory, I think he got away free. Pardon or not.
I think those advocating on pardoning him now think that this would remove his incentive to turn DOJ into his personal agency, but he likely will do that anyway no matter what.
I hate to tell you but this isn’t ending then or anytime soon.
I can’t believe I shook this guy’s hand at a campaign rally once. Fuck you and your hoodie, Fetterman.
Should throw your shoe at him next time.
Classic George w bush moment
It should happen all the time.
Every time there’s a politician speaking in front of a crowd, everyone in that crowd has a couple of projectiles strapped to their feet.
You probably can’t smuggle in a bag of rotten tomatoes, or a pie, let alone some kind of weapon, but there you’ve got those two things right on your feet.
Maybe you get in there and you decide, hey you really like your shoes, you don’t want to lose one, so you find something else. A pair of sunglasses. A watch. A hat. Maybe you look around and find something at the venue, like a little plastic display placard.
First of all, none of those things are going to throw as well as a shoe. You’re going to sacrifice your distance and your accuracy just because you don’t want to walk home with one shoe. Well there’s no point in doing shit if you’re going to miss, so better to just use the shoe.
Second of all, the shoe is a clear message. You throw your watch up there, he’s likely to say hey thanks for the great watch. Even if you threw both of your shoes, they might say hey thanks for the free pair of shoes. But if you throw just one shoe, that’s a clear fuck you.
I love how much thought you put into this
Fettermen Sinema Manchin
Three bullet points on a list
Don’t forget democrat joe Lieberman who single-handedly killed the single payer option when obamacare was being voted on. The bought and paid for insurance industry shill joe Lieberman. It’s a shame he’s dead, he deserves the Luigi treatment.
Maybe the public is right to distrust institutions.
Congrats to Fetterman on being the New Joe Manchin. He’ll never have to make another fundraising call again-- must feel good.
I imagine he has a bright future as the Dem or republican frontrunner in a future presidential election.
Fetterman can’t go Joe Manchin even if he wanted to. His party affiliation wouldn’t single-handedly swing contol of the Senate like Manchin. He’s not in a position where he can all but single-handedly decide if Democrat bills survive or fail. He has no political leverage. The Democrats aren’t going to throw money to save him because doing so would not impact their ability to control the Senate or conduct business.
If Fetterman tries to go full Manchin, he had better hope the GOP are willing to prop him up, because Dems are just going to cut their losses and focus their money on more winnable races.
because Dems are just going to cut their losses and focus their money on more winnable races
Fettermans got AIPAC backing. He’s in a heavily jewish district, which is why he talks so much about Israel. Dems wouldnt DARE to cut their losses with Fetterman, he’s a made man.
Please don’t equate Judaism with support for Israel. Some of the most anti Israel people are Jews. Fuck the zionists.
- a Jew
edit: I stand by the below text only if the user hadn’t gone on to spout blatant dogwhistles and misinformation. The above comment is fine, but all the conversation below is demonstrably false and if the mod team of this community had any integrity this would receive a penalty.
I don’t think kreskin was equating the two. At worst, that comment expresses the political force that Fetterman is leveraging by messaging toward a group that is primed to be (unfortunately) significantly Zionist due to Israeli/Zionist propaganda.In other words, Israel is the primary actor conflating Judaism and Zionism (as I’m sure we both know). kreskin is saying that Fetterman is aware of the prevalence of that lie (whether he thinks it to be a lie or not) in the Jewish American population of his district, and is exploiting it for political footing. That doesn’t mean that kraeskin thinks that lie is true, only that they are aware that it is prevalent.I skimmed your argument below and I don’t see much of anything that contradicts my more charitable reading of the above, though I am welcome to examples.The dudes comments are all Nazi dog whistles. Saying Zionism started with the Romans and that the Jews “genocided” them (lolololol Romans were colonizers) is quite the elders of Zion kind of bullshit that’s fascist pretending to be “just asking questions” and “history nerd”. Then he acts like it’s a gotcha that my dates off the top of my head are 10 years off as opposed to a fucking millennium or more.
Israel is the primary actor trying to conflate being Zionist with being Jewish. As a result we have anti semitic assholes like the dude I was responding to pretending that their anti semitism is actually anti Zionism. Israel’s actions make the world more dangerous for Jews worldwide intentionally to get the diaspora to make Aaliyah and join the IDF and make Jewish babies for the IDF and the settler movement. Despite a solid third of us being strongly anti Zionist and pro Palestinian according to this waste of oxygen it’s safe to assume all Jews support Israel’s bullshit.
And then typical .world mod bullshit. Leave the Nazi comments up, moderate mine into silence. Typical liberals. Oh no I used bad bad words!
this is sadly one of the jordanlund communities. this isn’t a politics community so much as a place for that mod team to screw around—there isn’t even a full “misinformation” rule, it’s all lumped under “no memes trolling or low effort.”
this is a massive community that is understaffed—id guess mods look at each report for all of 3 seconds and only act on the obvious violations. it shouldn’t be this way, but you kind of have to operate within the rules if you want to have any positive effect. that user who is doing dogwhistles knows this, and took advantage of your low hanging fruit of uncivil language to get a free pass to stay under the radar.
It’s the same as Reddit, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter. Nazi comments stay up, comments countering them with bad no no words get deleted. I’m not censoring myself when it’s clear who liberals side with - fascists. Always has been.
We’re talking the reality of statistics here, even if they tread on taboos. Across jewish american respondents theres high support for both the state of israel generally, and israels actions in palestine. Isnt there.
So we end up with hard truths. Stats are stats, and for the Fettermans of the world-- money is money, when used as bribes to purchase political outcomes like brutally silencing students and professors, and news commentators expressing their right of political free speech. I worry about the very real bad outcomes for them more than the possible hurt feeling of a minority portion of religious group. You want to be mad at someone, be mad at the far right of that group for their self-abasing terrorism.
And where is the sympathy for muslims in general and muslim americans specifically? I havent seen anything but bashing of them in a long time, from both parties. Thats unamerican. Are you worried at all for them?
I hear very little sympathy for the crushing of our constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech, and thats unamercian. I’m tired of it. So feel free to wring your hands on your cause, and I’ll wring my hands on mine, That IS American.
Or its supposed to be anyway.
There’s a large contingent of anti Zionist Jews in America. Stop conflating Judaism with Zionism.
62% of American jews say the way Israel is carrying out its revenge on all Palestnians for Hamas’s actions in October is “acceptable”. 33% say its “unacceptable.” 5% unsure.
Draw your own conclusions from those statistical facts, but dont tell me how I’m allowed or disallowed to view that data, and wrap insinuations and accusations in that suit your narrative. Thats not your business and I have politcal free speech. Facts are facts.
What I dont hear from the broader jewish community is sympathy or support for Muslims, I’ll tell you that straight up. Are Palestinians coequal human beings worthy of rights the same as every other human, goy or not? I’d like to hear you explicitely say it before I take you at all seriously. I’ve been asked for a year if I condemn Hamas oct 7 attacks, so I’d say my question of you is more than fair.
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Brain damage?
He won’t deny that.
Did that stroke cause a personality change? Seems like he is suffering from magabrain.
There will always be just enough Democrats like him to fuck us over. Every time, without exception.
I wonder what happens to a party without core values that can’t be trusted?
It’s almost like it’s INTENTIONAL or something!
Shit. You’re gonna piss off the libs by pointing this out.
Libs will be pissed no matter what these days. Either the Dems are controlled opposition or they’re very good at looking like controlled opposition.
Oh my god, I hate that I’ve voted for this dude multiple times.
Man this world is weird.
Okay I know what happened, he historically died, but a time traveler took over over his conciousness right before his death and now controls his body. John Fetterman is dead, this is just some time traveler fucking around with the past.
/s Shout outs to Travelers, go watch it its great.
I mean…it’s not a crazy theory. dumber things have literally happened in the past 10 years.