• Allonzee@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    We’ve let big corpo order government around like a headleech for half a century.

    It was going to swallow it whole to sell off for a tidy profit eventually.

    When you prioritize unsustainable infinite growth/metastasis/private profit over, healthcare, the commons, education, even the once common feasibility of a single income supporting a household with children, aka supporting a future for society, turns out everything falls apart. We needed our government services, instead everything was privatized for the market to take a an ever increasing cut. Privatization of the commons has been a god damned plague. This is what happens when a society is forced to perversely serve the desires of its economy, instead of the other way around as it needs to be.

    I don’t care about “winning” the global economy, yet they’ve suckered us into feeling like we have to keep up and beat other countries like a dick measuring contest to win the privilege of affording the most plastic crap. I just want a simple happy life, don’t you? The nordic nations understand this.