The whole “don’t reinvent the wheel” mantra in software development is strong, and for very good reason. When a company basically does so, repeatedly, and are repeatedly successful at it, that truly is notable.
I guess that’s just your comment though, with more words and no examples lol
It’s impressive how many times Valve goes “fine, I’ll do it myself”:
to list but very few
The whole “don’t reinvent the wheel” mantra in software development is strong, and for very good reason. When a company basically does so, repeatedly, and are repeatedly successful at it, that truly is notable.
I guess that’s just your comment though, with more words and no examples lol
You mean the mouse and keyboard?
Pretty sure they meant a controller designed for use while not hunching over a desk
Dual shock?
Others: Valve is pretty cool for making a dedicated PC controller that is a joy to use
You: BuT tHeY hAvE a DiFfReNt CoNtRoLeR dEdIcAtEd FoR sOmEtHiNg ElSe?!?1?
I forgot Valve have Stockholmed a generation of G*mers.
And Sony hasn’t?
You taking me seriously shows that Valve has
No, they mean this thing
A madkatz Xbox controller
Also Wayland in Linux wasn’t improving as fast as they’d like so they’re creating their own development protocol for that too lol