• Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    And yet the economy, and people’s fears about it, were the main reason Trump won. Until liberal elites like this guy get it through their thick fucking skulls that how the majority of people FEEL about the economy is INFINITELY more important than what the economic indicators say,

    I cannot stress how true this is, and it’s something I’ve been saying for years.

    If you are in an election, and your opponent is saying that monkeys are flying out of your ass and terrorizing the city, logic tells you you should ignore his crazy antics and tell him to go back to the park and preach to the pigeons. But here’s the problem. If 51% of the people you need to vote for you believe that monkeys flying out of your ass is their #1 problem, you had better come up with a plan to handle monkeys flying out of your ass. I mean sure, you can try using logic and reasoning to say “Look, there are no flying monkeys coming out of my ass and not a single one has been seen in the city.” But if those 51% really believe in flying monkeys, you’ll be using that logic during your concession speech.

    It’s one of those situations where you can do everything right and just lose anyway. Kamala Harris just found that out the hard way.