I have my storage mounted from my NAS using NFS and this is added to Nextcloud using the External Storage plugin. Works great.
I have my storage mounted from my NAS using NFS and this is added to Nextcloud using the External Storage plugin. Works great.
One other nice thing with Resilio Sync is that it supports selective sync on an easy per-folder/file basis. While you can sort of do this with Syncthing by using ignore lists, it’s much easier with Resilio since you can just right-click/open files you want to keep on your device.
Nano is more like fast food. It’s easy and convenient, but it makes you feel a little guilty and dirty afterwards.
The next release of TrueNAS SCALE in October is dropping Kubernetes in favour of plain Docker/Docker Compose. That may be worth a look?
When did you last use FreshRSS? It now supports creation of custom feeds using XPath scraping. ie. turn a website into a full RSS feed.
That’s good to hear. Looks like something worth revisiting once it’s been tested well.
I would have used Owncloud Infinite Scale but the fact you can’t use your own existing files makes it a complete non-starter for me. I don’t want my files locked behind Decomposed FS.
Unless I’ve read things wrong, which is entirely possible.
I’ve got two JetKVM units on the way.
TinyPilot and PiKVM are just way too expensive in Australia. Buying two would cost me about $1000 AUD, but two JetKVMs are only $260 AUD.