No, it will need to get incredibly worse for anything like a revolution to occur. The only historical events I can think of to parallel would be the collapse of the Czar in Russia during WW1 and the end of the Soviet Union. The common theme is that it took huge stacks of dead people to actually motivate people to do something about their leadership.
Until the state of things leads to basically all citizens knowing one or more of their own immediate family members dieing of being severely injured from something most people will carry on. Maybe a lot of starving people? Idk, I was surprised how suddenly the feds had money for people during the pandemic. I think they were a little scared their for a second. And of course they made hay of that being the reason for all the problems. Not PPP handouts or anything.
TLDR, no. We need millions of dead before we are even close.
Chronic distro hopper here. It brings some interesting defaults and is probably easier to get gaming on than default Arch. Lots of stuff that is above my head for performance optimizing, but in all honesty it’s not THAT incredibly different than default Arch, or even default mint. At least on my hardware which is a 3070 Nvidia 12th gen Intel laptop. It does make an impact, but your mileage may vary.
You know how some people really like cars and spend endless time on the garage tweaking and tuning things? Cachy feels like the distro version of that for Linux. If you are an enthusiast then it is great, but you had better be prepared to figure out what esoteric thing broke and why your “car” now no longer works.
Mint is driving a car, Arch/Cachy is being a car enthusiast. Both will get you places, but one is probably going to get you to the grocery store more reliably.