I mostly use sync, even though I am not in love with it. I also have connect. Which I think is foss. Been thinking about trying a new app to see if it hits better.
I mostly use sync, even though I am not in love with it. I also have connect. Which I think is foss. Been thinking about trying a new app to see if it hits better.
Does anyone else
$10 for a dozen here. But still $7.69 for two dozen at Costco if you can get to them before they sell out.
MAGA people I know, “the rich are lucky they get to stop paying taxes first… I’m next! These taxes don’t do anything anyways”
Does that mean they deserve to die?
Does Texas have earthquake safety standards in it’s building codes?
I am upvoting you because I am grossed out
They were at every mall.
I can relate, except I have an appetite but am not hungry.
Some people have the wrong opinion about cut vs uncut.
May McDonald’s burn to the ground! Good riddance!
Is it pronounced US aid or U-S-A-I-D?
Cold weather plus cocaine has that effect
Luigi is the Robinhood of our times.
All the Caribbean countries are in NA, and Central America.
Not a news source, but commentary. I watch/listen to breaking points https://www.youtube.com/@breakingpoints
they cite drop site news frequently https://www.dropsitenews.com/
and I read Ken Klippenstein https://www.kenklippenstein.com/
MAGA = More Arizonans Growing Alfalfa (for Saudi Arabia)