Writing in the dust is not vandalism. FFS!
Writing in the dust is not vandalism. FFS!
The profession seems to be custom made for them.
Confiscate? They are getting it back at some point? Because in Montreal and North America in general, the police just treat homeless people’s stuff like radioactive trash. They just clear the place with machinery and put all the stuff in a trash container.
Some homeless people here have lost ID cards and important documents because once the police decides the camp is gone, the homeless can’t go back to get their stuff. It’s just all going to the dump, with everything inside.
Hah. I live alone, no kids, no house, no car. And I am usually fine with that.
I live in a tower in the downtown of a big city and have a very nice view. I share a pool, a terrasse and gym on the roof. No need to maintain the pool, the concierge does that. No driveway to plow in winter, no grass to cut in summer. No house maintenance.
I have free time and disposable income. I can travel anywhere I want, pretty much when I want it. I’m on my second trip in the Carribean since the beginning of the year.
In summer I take multiple days to cycle for hundreds of kilometres to go camping/hiking in national parks and explore the great bike network of my region. I live on an island, pull my kayak with my bike and explore the waters around whenever I feel like it.
Seeing my friends with kids not being able to get a free weekend once every few months, I don’t mind how things have turned out for me.
From what I have seen when she orders doordash, it’s also a hassle to get something fixed (because it happens often), and half the people will not eat at the same time than others, because the order is half wrong and they will deliver the rest, eventually.
I guess if you’re always ordering alone it’s not a big issue, but she’s always ordering multiple meals and I can’t recall one time where it all went smoothly. There is always something wrong that has to be fixed, gotta contact them, get it fixed, it takes time and not everyone has their food at the same time.
From my perspective, it just sucks to order for a group with doordash. It would be better to just have one or a few people of the group to go get the food directly at the restaurant.
I really can’t understand people that live in a city with restaurants close to them, and still being unable to get off their ass and walk/cycle/drive to get their food.
The only time I order food directly from restaurants is when I’m in the countryside or a rural area with friends or family, and the to and fro time would be unacceptably long if I’d go grab it myself.
Apparently I need to invest in democracy to read more.
But yeah. When I was a young adult I thought the U.S. couldn’t do worse than W. Bush. Then the first Trump presidency, then another.
It’s becoming pretty clear that the U.S. is not reliable and could turn on its supposed allies at any moment.
We’re gonna have to put as much distance between the U.S., and us, as possible. Apparently that’s what some U.S. voters want amyway.
As someone that lived on dial-up, the format and size of an image will absolutely not slow down a gigabit connection.
My sister uses doordash and there’s always something wrong. Yet she insists on trying again and again, and I can’t understand why.
I have never used them or Uber or others like this, and refuse to do so. They exploit their workers, they charge exorbitant fees, and when something’s wrong, it’s nobody’s fault.
If I want food, I go get it myself. I’m my own delivery boy! And contrary to a lot of people delivering food, I will not park on a sidewalk or in a bike lane.
Hmm. Not sure it makes a big difference for the people invaded.
You’re saying the nazis that invaded a large part of Europe in the last world war were not “true” Germans? It must have been comforting for the invaded people to know that no true German could ever be a nazi.
I can understand people that defend where they live if they need to. But I can also not understand why anybody would sign up to follow orders and invade/bomb other countries. I have no fucking love for military organizations.
I don’t need a gun now because I don’t fear my fellow Canadians. I have no reason to want one and I can only see those things as killing machines.
However if my home, friends, family, and region is invaded, I will still hate fucking guns and all the violence, it will certainly fuck me up mentally, but I’ll find a gun and fire on the invaders until they kill me.
Should we start mining the border? I’ve always been anti war, I hate guns and I’m not really patriotic. But if some Unitedstaters start to invade my country, I’ll probably change my mind real fast and those fuckers will have to (gladly I’m sure) kill me.
Isn’t Molson a Canadian company? WTF would they donate to this crap?
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I’m from a previous generation so for me it was my parents buying me Leisure Suit Larry 7 for Christmas.
If enough people voted, the Democrats would have given people free health care, stopped financing wars, torture and genocide, improve public transit, boost public education, and lowered the cost of groceries. If only enough people voted for the Democrats, they could be in power and bring change. They just need a super majority to install a welfare state and turn into pacifists. Of course!
BuT I UsE iT AnD iT mAkEs mY JoB eAsIeR ThUs EvErYoNe ShOuLd LiKe It! So UsEfUl! It’S OnLy UsInG An UnGoDlY AmOuNt Of ElEcTrIcItY FoR EvErY QuErY dUrInG a ClImAtE ChAnGe CriSiS!
It never existed. It’s always been just an illusion to keep the poor in their place.
We have billionaires and now centibillionaires but the problem is immigrants and environmental laws, obviously.
It even has an integrated UPS.
Of course. With all the power, Democrats would have stopped financing genocide. Only with absolute power can the Democrats improve public transit, provide clean water, lower the cost of groceries, tax the rich and generally fight for the people they are supposed to represent. Without absolute power, they have been forced to continue financing genocide and ignore the problems of the common people.
You mean a pavement princess?
I have a bike that gets scratched up every time I lock it to a bike rack and meanwhile people buying expensive work trucks are melting down if there is a scratch on their WORK truck.