It’s not wrong at all IMO, and even expected, I’d say. I wouldn’t have cc’ed him on the emails with the hiring manager though since his involvement ends with getting their contact info unless he’s part of HR.
It’s not wrong at all IMO, and even expected, I’d say. I wouldn’t have cc’ed him on the emails with the hiring manager though since his involvement ends with getting their contact info unless he’s part of HR.
I’m not sure on the psychosis part specifically, but it took me many, many years of trying it over and over with different friends in different ways before I finally figured out that it just doesn’t work for me. My body’s endocannabinoid system appears to be in great balance and marijuana of any kind throws it completely out of whack.
I thought getting the spins and vomiting for hours the very first time I tried it was just because I was already drunk so I only did it after that when I was sober. But the effect was always bad and I never felt good on it, no matter what kind it was or what the social situation was.
It wasn’t until I tried some really strong stuff with a friend who was a big stoner that I realized I just shouldn’t have it because different people react to it differently and my body fuckin hates it. Every time I would do it, I would have a kind of hangover afterwards that would last for at least a day where I would just be depressed for no fucking reason. Then one time we did some really strong stuff, and I ended up sitting on the bathroom floor for hours with the spins, nearly unable to control my thoughts or communicate. It literally felt like my consciousness was drowning and it was trying to tread water just to utter a single word out of my mouth.
So, CIS? I have no clue. I’ve never asked a doctor about it, but even if it wasn’t, I wish all the propaganda around weed wasn’t just about how amazing it is and that it’s a miracle drug for everyone, because just like any substance, it truly affects different people in different ways; not all of them good.
I will happily stick to my alcohol for mind and body altering experiences because my body loves that and only has positive reactions to it.
I have had some decent experiences with Copilot and coding in C#. I’ve asked it to help me figure out what was wrong with a LINQ query I was doing with an XDocument and it pointed me in the right direction where I figured it out. It also occasionally has some super useful auto complete blocks of code that actually match the pattern of what I’m doing.
As for art and such, sometimes people just want to see some random bizarre thing realized visually that they don’t have the ability (or time/dedication) to realize themselves and it’s not something serious that they would be commissioning an artist for anyway. I used Bing image creator recently to generate a little character portrait for an online DND game I’m playing in since I couldn’t find quite what I was looking for with an image search (which is what I usually do for those).
I’ve seen managers at my job use it to generate fun, relevant imagery for slideshows that otherwise would’ve been random boring stock images (or just text).
It has actual helpful uses, but every major corporation that has a stake in it just added to or listened to the propaganda really hard, which has caused problems for some people; like the idiot who proudly fired all of his employees because he replaced all their jobs with automation and AI, then started hunting for actual employees to hire again a couple months later because everything was terrible and nothing worked right.
They’re just tools that can potentially aid people, but they’re terrible replacements for actual people. I write automated tests for a living, and companies will always need people for that. If they fired me and the other QAs tomorrow, things would be okay for a short while thanks to the automation we’ve built, but as more and more code changes go into our numerous and labyrinthine systems, more and more bugs would get through without someone to maintain the automation.
I guess my only question for you would be… Why did you stop doing the two hobbies you enjoyed? You called them addictions; were they interfering with your ability to work and get necessary chores/tasks done? Or were you only doing them in your free time?
If it’s the former, then good on you for the self control! If it’s the latter, I’d honestly just be confused as to why you gave up what you love doing and would just encourage you to stop punishing yourself.
You might try SDTV or Fullscreen (plus DVD or VHS since those were the last formats that typically offered that aspect ratio regularly) as tags/search terms. I am otherwise unaware of any specific automated search options for 4:3 content. :/
Obviously it would take some work, but you could set up an automated set of scripts that would crop the videos and spit them out as 4:3.
Is there no option within the vr application itself to auto zoom and crop videos to fit the TV?
Since I see no replies yet, I’ll give a sort of answer. I use Overseerr and my own self hosted domain name with Cloudns so that I can let my friends/family connect to it remotely to request stuff.
It sounds like it’s definitely not 1:1 with what you’re asking for since it only does sonarr and radarr and is not something accessible from messengers, but figured I’d mention it because it’s been great for me. I use it for myself to add new stuff as well so I never have to go into the individual sonarr/radarr instances to add stuff.
Yes, full support from me. Multiple localized tests of UBI have been shown to drastically improved people’s lives. I think there are multiple other measures that would need to be put in place too in order to help minimize corporations just obliterating it’s usefulness by raising prices.
I’m not as informed as I’d like to be, but my understanding is that things like VAT taxes can help get around online retailers like Amazon dodging taxes, as well as CEO to base worker pay ratio caps to ensure the people in a company that are actually producing the profits get rewarded for doing so. The CEOs could keep giving themselves raises, but it would come with the requirement of actually giving everyone in the company a raise too, which, quite frankly, is what should happen when your employees do a good enough job to bring in record profits.
My understanding is that Alaska already has something similar in nature to a UBI where every citizen gets a dividend from the state each year based on taxes collected from certain businesses. This is a dim recollection from me and I am probably completely mistating how it works/where the money comes from.
That Linux command line book is really, really good. I love how it actually explains the commands and why to use them instead of just being a copy of each commands help document or something.
Congrats on ditching Windows!
For sure. I use it on my home servers and love it.
Debian is a fine distro, but it’s main strategy is being “the stable distro”. So most software packages are at least a little out of date because they only put the most stable and tested versions of software in their default repos. You can add other repos to get around this if you want the latest and greatest, but most other repos keep their main package list more up to date.
Debian is fantastic if you want to set up a quick and easy home server due to it’s long and solid history, huge user base, simplicity and stability.
Highly recommend Linux Mint, Ubuntu or Fedora for your main desktop distro when coming from Windows. They have an extremely wide user base, huge list of easily installed and compatible software (like, search for it in the built in software center app and one click download and install it, instead of having to use the command line or build from source), and will definitely be the easiest to triage issues in/find answers online for.
One big consideration is driver support. Yes you should be able to set up all drivers you need on basically any Linux distro, but the three above basically are designed to do it for you, including the proprietary drivers needed for certain web content with annoying DRM, and for NVidia graphics cards. There is an open source driver for NVidia, but my understanding is that the proprietary one has way better compatibility and performance (this is purely hearsay, as I have an AMD card, so I’m not speaking from experience).
Others have mentioned the things about SteamOS being made for the one specific handheld, which is true. It boots straight into the gaming handheld mode by default, so if you wanted to see the desktop you’d have to load that, then go to the menu and select “switch to desktop mode” every time you boot.
Plus you can just get that exact same gaming mode UI on any desktop with steam installed by going into the menu and selecting it or hitting the home/Xbox/PlayStation button on a connected controller when steam is open.
Unfortunately not in my setup, but that’s just because I don’t have the money to upgrade it at the moment and nearly everything I have is stuff I can easily redownload.
Once I can save up for it I will up my storage and get some back ups set up.
Like others in here, I also set mine up with Debian and docker compose. Since it’s an always on server I wanted maximum stability. I don’t use unRAID, so not sure about compatibility for that.
I have a few nice cushiony ones that are quite comfortable to stand on. They stay in use for quite a long time before I swap them out because they don’t get that dirty. Though I recently learned that may be because apparently some people don’t towel off in the shower first like I do, and instead just immediately step out after finishing their shower, dripping water all over the floor. Thankfully, these people do not live with me. Lol