It’s short sighted and obviously doomed to fail. Europe and Ukraine are not on board, so all this will really do is give the trump administration a way to kill aid and support for Ukraine to make Putin happy.
It’s short sighted and obviously doomed to fail. Europe and Ukraine are not on board, so all this will really do is give the trump administration a way to kill aid and support for Ukraine to make Putin happy.
So, thing is, photos don’t prove anything about the relative movement of the aircraft, and people are notoriously bad about judging such things from the ground.
Now let’s apply Occam’s razor, it’s 1990, what secret diamond shaped objects might have been flying along side a RAF harrier? Perhaps, say, an F-117 night hawk from the USAF doing joint training? A highly secretive aircraft that only flew its first combat sortie in 1989 and wouldn’t be widely publicized till the 1991 gulf war. An aircraft that likely would have been flying along side the RAF in the case of a hot war with the Soviet Union, and thus would have had reasons to have joint exercises with a harrier.
I really do want to see risc V succeed in the desk top and laptop space. The fact that there are only two major architectures and both are owned by companies is a serious potential issue. Especially if they both ended up being owned by one company somehow.
There are plenty of other international outlets on there to give other perspectives, RT doesn’t give perspectives though, they give intentionally incorrect information to create confusion, not even to push a specific line, just to muddy the waters as much as possible. It subtracts from context, doesn’t add to it.
he can only undo certain things on his own. There is a lot of other groups and countries that have a say on the sanctions.
For all the not super technically inclined people out there, I would recommend Linux mint with cinnamon, you’ll feel right at home and won’t face any real issues so long as you don’t want to play LoL, a few other big multiplayer games have anti cheat systems that don’t like Linux.
As I understand it, there have been issues with distributing Nvidia drivers in a Linux distro. Some do do it, but it’s kind of a legal grey area due to potential conflicts with the license of the Linux kernel.
I don’t really understand it fully, but it’s been an issue for a while. Apparently it’s less of an issue now because Nvidia partially open sourced its drivers. AMD’s GPU drivers apparently don’t have these issues.
Wonder what the situation with intel’s new GPUs and its drivers is.
Didn’t the author also predict that the china was going to collapse in 2011?
Oh and also on the board of directors for CPAC?
Like, I just skimmed the authors Wikipedia page and it kind of feels like he might have a bit of an agenda.
The trick is that china is a very large country and some part of it is always collapsing while some other part is advancing.
Nor will it even work, because, like, it takes two to tango. Ukraine can just… decline to sign what ever agreement Putin and trump cook up.