Yeah, I thought of getting into grayjay instead, but the android app seems very unstable and slow for me, maybe I’ll try tweaking ReVanced for a similar result instead.
Yeah, I thought of getting into grayjay instead, but the android app seems very unstable and slow for me, maybe I’ll try tweaking ReVanced for a similar result instead.
To add to this, you should also remember that malicious hackers will always exist, and since most surveillance systems are made by the government, cyber security isn’t their strong suit.
I feel like most if not pretty much all of the value of Twitter was the name itself, and the recognition it had.
The sad part it, it probably wont if he keeps monopolizing it, a lot of people still use windows, google, etc… Even though their shit and malicious
Oh, ok, thanks for the correction.
Don’t they have that thing where you can turn your account into a self hosted website? Maybe decentralized wasn’t the best word, I mean users don’t have to rely on the website staying up / moderators not going mad or stuff like that.
literally joined like an hour ago :-/
Just joined, can someone explain?
They should start reporting completely normal stories, of a stable countrh/government where nothing crazy happens. I’d comfort read and daydream the shit out of that