My hope is that my information is a solid counter to that crazy.
Well, objectively it’s wrong, especially if you’re talking about doing it on Twitter or Facebook.
My hope is that my information is a solid counter to that crazy.
Well, objectively it’s wrong, especially if you’re talking about doing it on Twitter or Facebook.
I wonder what the options were
Shaggy defense:
It wasn’t me
It most likely was him. And the prosecution likely has solid evidence
It’s just they likely didn’t get that evidence thru legal means so it won’t be admissible.
Like, at first they said a fast food worker recognized him, then she said she didn’t. She said someone walked up to her. Told her it looked like the shooter that has a big reward, and left
That 100% smells like law enforcement needing a legal way to say he was found when they 100% knew it was him and where he was.
So you attack the evidence they can share with a jury. Which isn’t great.
You attack all the shitty things the cops did, like tazering him till he pissed his pants and then releasing a cell phone pic to taint the jury pool.
His family is loaded as fuck, they’re gonna be able to afford good lawyers, it’s very likely he’s not found guilty
Haven’t argued with many MAGAts have you?
Why would I?
They want an argument, they want to be “challenged” and to “fight the good fight”.
If rational people argue with them, it raises their group cohesion and they all circlejerk about it later.
If rational people do the rational thing and do t engage with them they still need those arguments. So instead of circle jerking with each other, they have to argue with each other. Which fractures their group.
Please be a rational person and stop being the punching bag of the right.
You’ll never change their minds with facts and logic. All you’re doing is reinforcing their beliefs
Lol …
I’ve never seen someone post a source showing they’re wrong…
Then saying “even that source is wrong, and I’m still right”.
Like, did you search for anything that agrees with you and then just give up but thought people would just up ote a source?
That’s not how this shit works homie.
Luigi doesn’t have to prove his innocence, the prosecutor has to prove he’s guilty beyond reasonable doubt…
Like, you’re literally completey opposite of reality with your statement. So in a way you couldn’t be more wrong
Lil Bobby Kennedy fired them, not trump.
Agencies have independence, it’s dangerous to act like trump has powers as president that he just flat out doesn’t.
Vote blue top to bottom.
Did the last four years fix anything?
It’s not enough to have a D by their name, they need to actually be capable and willing to fight fascism.
The absence of evil just isn’t good enough anymore.
If the only two choice involve one being “status quo” then “status quo” is going to keep losing. You can shout that it should win till your face turns blue, but that’s obviously not working.
Why the fuck is there so much opposition to just running a good candidate Dem voters agree with?
Never was big on the “zine” name and it’s weird they’re bringing it back…
But it’s basically just a short format online version of a magazine that they’re printing out like a magazine?
A24 does weird shit, it’s a production company that buys up a bunch of weird indie movies and releases them. Like 90% bangers
Today, 45% of Democrats and left-leaning independents surveyed indicated they would prefer a more moderate Democratic Party, up 11% from 2021
Meaning the majority doesn’t want that…
And ignoring that right/left is too simplified.
I would hate for the Dem party to move towards the center on social issues they’re already too close to it.
But economically?
At this point that would mean they move towards the left again.
Nothing is more addicting than oxygen, people get their first hit before theyre born, and most will die within weeks of stopping use!
but they state that OPM is directing all agencies
Maybe I just have whiplash…
We went from pretending the president has zero control over federal agencies, to a president can order them to do anything in a matter of weeks.
Neither are correct. But you’d never know if you just listened to billionaire owned media.
You might not even notice when something is good for workers, it’s impossible. When it’s good for owners there’s always a way.
He probably thinks Central Park is a typical forest
The decision on probationary workers, who generally have less than a year on the job, came from the office of personnel management (OPM), which serves as a human resources department for the federal government.
Why do so many people with no idea how the federal government is structured keep trying to talk about it like they have a clue?
Obviously not as bad as the people running it not having a clue, but it’s incredibly hypocritical for people just as ignorant to talk shit.
OPM is it’s own agency.
They terminated their probationary employees, but they cannot fire anyone else’s.
Now tell me how
I’ve sunk a lot of time trying to help you against your own will.
I know you think talking like that is a “slam” and that you’re winning an argument, but no one else is arguing. I’m trying to help you, and you’re getting an attitude like that
The only reason I’m replying again, is a hail Mary that you at least realize acting like this doesn’t mean you “win” when someone stops replying…
It means someone wrote you off as a lost cause.
And I bet you think you “win” a lot, so it was worth typing that.
I do t know why you’re trying to explain to me how someone with ASPD could be “good” or “bad”…
That’s the point I’ve been trying to make, at least you got there I guess.
Just super weird you’re acting like you’re explaining it now
s a personality disorder defined by a chronic pattern of behaviour that disregards the rights and well-being of others
That is one of the diagnosis criteria…
But it’s not a checklist where you gotta score 100%.
And to keep the Harriet Tubman example, legally under society’s laws she wasn’t freeing people. At the time and place she was at she was stealing property from people, relatively expensive property, and in large amounts.
Most people’s experience with someone diagnosed with ASPD are because they have the real bad ones in addition to the others, and someone without them would also almost never go see a shrink of their own free will, because they still have the other parts where they think (maybe rightfully) that they know more than everyone else.
This also skews what the medical community sees.
If someone doesn’t give a fuck about others, they still may realize the benefit of social nicities and benefits from being part of a community.
This ain’t an idea I just had, people have been talking about this undercount since way before we stopped using outdated terms like “sociopath”, and that was decades ago.
if you consider sociopathy to be a mental illness.
Nah, because that’s just Antisocial Personality Disorder, which basically boils down to trusting your own judgement over society’s.
That can be very bad, or very good.
Like, Harriet Tubman put her own values over society’s laws, so she broke a shit ton of laws with zero remorse. Hard to say she had a mental illness. But her actions we celebrate today, met a lot of the diagnosing criteria.
It’s just human variation, but it’s likely incredibly undercounted because regardless of if the person is more on the “good” or “bad” side, they all think they have a better line of thinking than society. And fuck man. Take a look around.
Society as a whole isn’t doing too hot lately, it’s a pretty low bar to say you trust your own morals than society’s.
Make the US people feel higher gas price
It’s why I spent four years saying rather than tax incentives for electric vehicles, we need to just level the playing field and take away gas subsidizes. But good luck getting either party here to hurt fossil fuel profits. Both our options this election were pro-fracking.
It’s fucking insane that we can’t socialize healthcare, but everyone needs to pitch in so Bill can drive his giant truck an hour to sit at a desk for 8 hours twice a day.
There is literally zero reason for gas subsidizes when we’re trying to get people to move on from gas.
“Look how fucked up my shoes [are]. This shoe cost me three bands. All because of Trump. Now I like him lesser!” she said. “Now I like him lesser because you didn’t have to go to no Super Bowl. Fucking up my shoe. Now I don’t really like him.”
Everybody has a line…
Yeah, tornado can start, wreck shit up, and disappear in less than five minutes.
Especially back before cell phones there wasn’t another way besides loud ass sirens everywhere.