we can make it possible for a Libertarian to win a House Seat in 2036.
we can make it possible for a Libertarian to win a House Seat in 2036.
But what I mean about not being too worried, is that I have a modicum amount of faith in fellow Canadians.
I’m glad you do, and I don’t. If, as polls show he should rather easily, Poilievre wins the next election we’ll have a Prime Minister who marched with the Convoy. In addition, the Federal Conservative party voted in 2022 to not recognize climate change. The idea he’ll place restrictions down is, to my mind, flat out wrong. I think he’ll bow and kowtow to whatever Trump says, and from the amount of ‘Make Canada Great Again’ hats (And the full on MAGA ones as well, which is… bizarre) I see throughout the interior of BC/Alberta, I think there’s some serious indicators the voters will, too. John Rustad almost beat the BC NDP. Polls show 43% of voters in Ontario plan to vote for Doug Ford again.
I am glad you have faith in Canadians, I just don’t understand where that faith comes from.
The issue is, especially for measles, herd immunity. There are some major problems with measles in particular, such as:
Measles is so contagious that one infected person can spread the respiratory virus to 90% of people in the same room—and it can live in the air for two hours. Often, an infected person doesn’t even know they have measles for several weeks.
Early symptoms include a fever, cough, runny nose, and red eyes, all of which could be overlooked as part of a common cold. A skin rash doesn’t typically appear until three to five days after the first symptoms appear. Someone with measles is contagious four days before the rash begins and four days after. There is no cure for measles, but if you’ve received the measles vaccine or are immune from a previous infection, consider yourself protected.
Another major problem is…:
Depending on the disease, herd immunity may begin to show beneficial effects when just 40% of the population is vaccinated. But for particularly contagious diseases, that threshold is far higher, exceeding 80%. The vaccination rate should be about 96% to achieve herd immunity for measles.
So we’re going to have immune compromised people getting and then spreading measels. It hits children the hardest, and we’re going to start seeing absolutely heart-breaking headlines about children dying to a completely preventable illness.
We’re already having a problem with it in Canada, so I’m pretty damn nervous. I have family members who really rely on herd immunity.
Wow, the measles are going to absolutely ruin America, and then spread to the world. One of my family members was ‘immune’ to the vaccine for it, and a doctor took my aunt aside and told her that basically any large crowd was a danger to my cousin. IE. “Go to the fair and there’s a chance he catches it.” Luckily he was able to finally reach the % required that from the vaccine but I think he was 16 before that happened.
So many children are going to die. I wonder if people who didn’t vote in the US are starting to realise what they’ve done.
It’s weird, because I took it to mean that the people she’s talking to are going to be denied insurance in some way next.
I mean we can assume, and it’s fairly likely, that it was a reference to the assassination, but American court is fucked if this is enough.
True, but the saying isn’t ‘don’t fuck crazy’, and was originally used entirely as ‘(men) don’t stick your dick in crazy (women.)’