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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 8th, 2024


  • Having traveled before with someone in that exact situation, yes, there will be harassment and TSA may very well intentionally force you miss your flight and end up waiting to fly standby on the next one. But as of now, you generally do get through, which cannot be said for traveling internationally without any passport at all.

    So you were in this exact scenario, TSA prevented the person from flying like we’ve been saying, but then didn’t prevent them from flying on a standby on the next flight?

    Colour me skeptical.

  • Honestly the US is so antagonistically into ‘individualism’ I’m not sure how you’d even start to build that. Americans have been brainwashed into thinking that everyone else is right on the edge of breaking into their houses and raping their entire families; look at the entire idea of arming yourself with firearms to prevent ‘home invasions,’ and then glossing over the stats that you’re magnitudes more likely to be shot by your husband than assaulted by a stranger.

    I think the ideal would be a Communal approach, where each neighbourhood works to help the people inside it, and those people reach out to help others nearby, yet I am not sure the average American will trust their neighbours enough to do this. When every branch of your government is full of capitalist fascists, who can you depend on to fix your roads, get you to the hospital, put out the fire in your home? These fascists are going to cut funding to everything the ‘middle class’ and poor rely on, and the worst part is that a lot of those people will not only vote for it, but cheer it on right up until it effects them.

    I’d love to be wrong about all of this, but I’ve been watching the US for my entire life, and I was born in the early 80’s, and I just don’t see enough of you guys caring for each other. The speed with which you turn on each other is staggering; how long did it take Democratic candidates to blame ‘woke’ policies or your population who are trans for losing the election? I’ve been told my entire life your second amendment was to protect yourself and your neighbours from the Evil Government. Then Fascists take over your government, and it’s silence. I think we all knew, outside of your country, that the people most fiercely defending it just wanted to protect their hobby, but watching you allow gun violence to become the most common way for children to die broke my heart. And to then watch you not even use those weapons to protect your 2SLGBTQIA+ neighbours, to not rise up and fight back against ICE putting people in concentration camps, has removed any faith I had that just maybe you guys had something there, that maybe I just couldn’t see that you’d use it to help others.

    I wish you all the best of luck, yet from here it looks like yet another oligarchy where people talk a big game about fighting for each other, only to immediately back down when it looks like you might have to put your own selves on the line. I love you all and will be quietly sobbing while you defend your actions.

  • First, I’m confused as to why you’d need to segregate books and film by gender, these all have either a male or non-gendered lead: Captain Underpants, Nate the Great, Hal The 3rd Class Hero, The Hobbit, The Lord of The Rings, Treasure Island, Danny the Champion of the World, The Outsiders, The Adventures of Robin Hood, Percy Jackson (all 40 billion of the series), The Giving Tree, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Bridge to Terabithia, James and the Giant Peach, Holes (series), Where The Wild Things Are, The Heroes of Olympus (more Percy Jackson I think), Ender’s Game, Winnie The Pooh, Narnia (series), The Wind In The Willows, The Indian in the Cupboard, Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Neverending Story, I Am Every Good Thing, Don’t Hug Doug (He Doesn’t Like it), King Arthur’s Very Great Grandson, A Wizard of Earthsea, The Wild Robot (series), Stuart Little, Mr. Popper’s Penguins, George’s Marvellous Medicine, Lord of The Flies, Calvin and Hobbes (series), The Dangerous Book for Boys, The American Boys Handy Book.

    (You didn’t specify age, so I tried to add our family suggestions for about 4-12. Once he’s older, depending on your thoughts on the language, we also have a lot of suggestions for Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn)

  • These problems existed long, long before the modern far-right movement started. It’s partly why it works so well. This male egotism in media existed before, and less resistance to it also used to exist. That change in social atmosphere means that men can be manipulated into further and further misogynistic beliefs. All it takes is dogwhistles and a loud, angry, entitled male gamer, and you can radicalize thousands of people into misogyny. And they will repeat that cycle with more or less any boy or man they know.

    I’m sorry you’ve written so much here I want to underscore and shout to the heavens, yet there is so much and I fear I won’t do it justice. Fascism is on the rise, and young men-- just as last time–are carrying it forward. Misogyny has become an assumed character trait in huge swaths of men, to the point you see insane arguments online about how men ‘have it harder’ than the gender held in captivity less than a lifetime ago. It wasn’t until the 1960’s in Vancouver, BC that women could get a loan without a man co-signing (and it was a credit union, not even a large bank.) I grew up and lived as a male, white, for over 40 years, and right now is on par, if not worse in many cases, than it was in the 90’s. Men now rail at the idea they can’t always be ‘the default.’ That the reason for these pronoun-forward changes is because it’s always been man-first, from not even bothering to test drugs on women to ‘room temperature’ being what a bunch of middle aged white men, such as myself, find comfortable. To men being the vast majority of main characters, to the goddamn Bechdel test being oh-so-relevant.

    So I wanted to add a quote about just how long this has existed, and the sheer length of fight women have had just to exist unchained. I have not gone through the fight you have, yet I hope you’ll allow me at your side.

    "You see, when I was growing up at the time of the Wars of the Medes and Persians and when I went to college just after the Hundred Years War and when I was bringing up my children during the Korean, Cold, and Vietnam Wars, there were no women. Women are a very recent invention. I predate the invention of women by decades. Well, if you insist on pedantic accuracy, women have been invented several times in widely varying localities, but the inventors just didn’t know how to sell the product. Their distribution techniques were rudimentary and their market research was nil, and so of course the concept just didn’t get off the ground. Even with a genius behind it an invention has to find its market, and it seemed like for a long time the idea of women just didn’t make it to the bottom line. Models like the Austen and the Brontë were too complicated, and people just laughed at the Suffragette, and the Woolf was way too far ahead of its time.

    So when I was born, there actually were only men. People were men. They all had one pronoun, his pronoun; so that’s who I am. I am the generic he, as in, “If anybody needs an abortion he will have to go to another state,” or “A writer knows which side his bread is buttered on.” That’s me, the writer, him. I am a man." -Ursula K. Le Guin, 1992

  • I always think of Metallica’s Saint Anger:

    🎶 Medallion noose, I hang myself

    Saint Anger 'round my neck

    I feel my world shake

    Like an earthquake

    Hard to see clear

    Is it me? Is it fear?

    I’m not even angry with you

    I’m not even angry with you

    I’m not even angry with you

    I’m not even angry with you


    Yet the real lyrics are:

    I’m madly in anger with you

    I’m madly in anger with you

    I’m madly in anger with you

    I’m madly in anger with you


  • And to keep the Harriet Tubman example, legally under society’s laws she wasn’t freeing people. At the time and place she was at she was stealing property from people, relatively expensive property, and in large amounts.

    I have no idea what you’re trying to say here; are you saying that my grandmother, a Dutch Communist, had Antisocial Personality Disorder because she broke laws by helping people escape the Nazi’s? ASPD isn’t ‘person breaks laws like theft or whatever’ it’s that they have no regard for any laws, and:

    Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) is an adult diagnosis characterized by a persistent pattern of disregard for and violation of others’ rights, beginning in childhood or early adolescence.

    No evidence of this.

    Individuals with ASPD often manipulate others for personal gain, lack empathy, and seldom feel remorse for their actions.

    I feel like actively working while poor to help others for her entire life, at the cost of her own meagre savings and own body, and constantly putting herself in danger, precludes this.

    I have literally no idea why you’re trying to do with this. It’s a nonsensical argument where you’re taking combing correlation and causation.

    If you want to see what it’s actually like for people who have it, this is an excellent video of a woman who is both a diagnosed sociopath as well as a Clinical Psychologist explaining how it is to live with it (in this case Sociopathy and Antisocial Personality Disorder are used interchangeably.)