Dev lead for Mlem, the iOS Lemmy client.

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  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Mlem dev here.

    This feature, as suggested, presents a fundamental technical problem: frontend clients load posts a page at a time, and so are only aware of the posts you’ve already scrolled past and the ~20-50 posts ahead in the feed. It’s therefore not possible to find all posts with the same URL and aggregate their comments into a single chain under the first occurrence of the URL, at least not without loading infeasible amounts of data ahead of time.

    We do have a merged crossposts feature planned, which achieves the same basic functionality but using the backend crosspost data rather than absolute URLs; our comments view also currently shows the list of crossposts and indicates the number of comments on each one.

    Alternatively, a filter that only shows posts with comments

    That’s a good idea, we’ll add it to a future build.