The story is really what makes it so good–you start to feel invested in the character, in the world, and that helps with getting deeply immersed in the gameplay. It’s an incredibly well written game.
Beyond that, the screenshots show a lot–it’s a world that feels very lived-in.
Also the gameplay is a ton of fun. Open world, lots of places to explore–some of them beautiful, others treacherous, some both.
These sorts of people aren’t really capable of responding to anything other than displays of power; they don’t respect anything else.
It just took one CEO getting murdered for other CEOs to panic, to try to make the story about how the CEO was a ‘family man’ or whatever, for many CEOs to have their pictures removed from company websites–they don’t give a shit about ethics, or history, or anything, but they sure as hell do respond to displays of power.
I think maybe just getting a couple of them would prove to be enough.