No worries. I’m on it 🫡
Punch nazis, trebuchet TERFs.
I am building Voyager, a client for lemmy!
No worries. I’m on it 🫡
Yeah… some nerd details: Capacitor v7 enabled service workers in Android (kinda). Which is great, but I wasn’t expecting that. And so the native android app is checking for PWA updates, finds an update, but the PWA menu to update is disabled in the native app.
The fix basically just disables the service worker code completely for the native app. Probably should have been done before, but again, in capacitor v6 service workers weren’t a thing, so it was effectively disabled anyways then.
Try upgrading, it should be fixed recently!
Awesome, thanks for confirming!
What version? Try updating
Awesome works!
Only thing I’ve noticed so far is the old v3 profile API response doesn’t have posts/comments attached
CORS is broken on voyager.lemmy.ml. Can you please fix it?
It’s unlikely for that specific change, but I do need to refactor so the tag is at least shown a bit for long usernames at some point.
Makes sense!
You mean hide a post?
I think I know what you mean if so. That is a bug that the virtual scroll library author is aware of!
Cheers! 💜
That data isn’t cached if you restart the app. Are they gone from the queue in lemmy-ui?
What do you mean the comments icon?
Ah. That sounds like perhaps it is a problem with the content blocker. Voyager calls a standard iOS API for the in app browser and doesn’t do anything bespoke 🤔
You can long press the community handle, maybe a bit better
😬 I would bet all “Lemmy in” users are all not bots, just users typing the placeholder text of the field in voyager app.
I’m gonna remove that placeholder text cause yikes!
What happens if you turn off content blockers?
Yeah that shake thing is really annoying.
There is a small memory leak, but not specific to videos. I believe the Stencil team already has a partial fix (TBD rollout)
Thanks, it should be fixed in the next release.