When can I run Steam OS on my phone? :)
When can I run Steam OS on my phone? :)
When I was younger about 14 eggs a week. Now about 9.
Where I am eggs have only gone up about $0.20 in the last few months. Still under $6 per dozen for cage free eggs. Maybe $3.50 for caged eggs?
The best moments of my life have mostly been fleeting and mostly inconsequential. The worst moments have mostly had long term consequences.
I didn’t know they had inport taxes on desktops. Thanks for the heads up.
In my experience, typically import taxes are there to try and encourage buying local. Does New Zealand manufacturer their own electronics, or is this import tax just a way to levy money? Or is it to reduce environmental impact?
Yes, an rpg vector based video game to play in the browser. Actually trying to rearrange my life so I can make it :)
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Doing the same in a couple of months! Whangherei
I remember connecting to private World of Warcraft servers back in the day and even hosted one for just me and my partner. Anyone know if it would be technically possible do this for RuneScape?
I have a bit of an exhibitionist kink. If I thought I could make more money then I currently do, I totally would.
When I went to malls as a teenager I would often get stopped and searched as if I was shoplifting. Was over 6’ at 16 and often wore hoodies. When I started getting into cross-dressing I was too ashamed to go through checkout with it. So I dressed in nicer clothes then hoodie and jeans, and shoplifted women’s clothing from every clothing store that ever stopped and searched me incorrectly previously. Part shame part revenge part kink.
Spending and consumning less could help more. Espicially gas and meat.
Rate could mean over time or percentage of. I think OP was thinking of time, in which case your wouldn’t need the total number of schoolchildren. Just divide the population of billionaires by the number of schoolchildren that die by violent crime per year.
Bluetooth range is too short and too unreliable for that that work well. A good rule of thumb is if you can’t hear the other person, neither can Bluetooth. There are apps that use WiFi or internet ofr this. This app is free for WiFi and you pay if you want to cross internet https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.slide2talk.android.app
I’m of the unpopular opinion that India/Pakistan should be its own continent and New Zealand should be different continent then Australia. Both because they are different techtonic plates.
Its also different attempting to hurricane proof on mountainous terrain. The winds were a little gusty bit nothing too out of the ordinary, at least where I was, the biggest problem was the wall of fast moving water. A downhill rush of 30 feet of water is very powerful and the tanker trucks and rail cars it swept up smashed all sort of things. A lot of the roads and some of the houses got washed out because the ground beneath them was swept away. About 40% of the trees are down in the area. If I remember correctly this facility is near Old Fort which is at the bottom of the mountains so all that water and debris rushing down and wiping out a very poor town of mostly trailers.
Asheville is not regularly hit by hurricanes. It has been hit by 3 in 200 years and the previous 2 would not have been bad enough to cause this disruption. When the facility opened it was in large part due to that area having the cleanest water in America. At that time we didn’t need manmade filtration: the water from the spring was cleaner then anything humans could make. In fact, that spring still runs clean, but the demand for water has outstripped the output of that spring.
I do agree however that production of crucial supplies should be more decentralized in order to avoid mass shortages from any event.
Tea is made from plants. All plants have proteins. The parts of the plant that we eat may or may not be a good source of protein for humans.
Practically all Chinese, Indian, and English teas are all made from the same species of plant, Camellia sinensis, simply known as a tea tree. If you were to eat the leaves they would be a good source of protein and fiber, not to mention vitamins and antioxidants. However, we discard the leaves with the fiber, and typical ways of preparing the leaves and the tea can decrease the protein and antioxidants. Its possible your brand flash freezes tthe leaves or uses some other method to try and preserve these nutrients. Ive seen some English teas that are powder you mix in instead of steeping, and this would work as well. In fact, tea leaves are absolutely edible! If you get a decent to high quality tea you can take your leaves after you make tea and throw them in a smoothie, soup, or even eggs and youll get the rest of the nutrients left in them and wont be thowing food in the bin.
When you push something you push the atoms in the thing. This in turn pushes the adjacent atoms, when push the adjacent atoms all the way down the line. Very much like pushing water in the bathtub, it ripples down the line. The speed at which atoms propogate this ripple is the speed of sound. In air this is roughly 700mph, but as the substance gets harder* it gets faster. For example, aluminum and steel it is about 11,000mph. That’s why there’s a movie trope about putting your ear to the railroad line to hear the train.
If you are talking about something magically hard then I suppose the speed of sound in that material could approach the speed of light, but still not surpass it. Nothing with mass may travel the speed of light, not even an electron, let alone nuclei.