I’ve never even seen the show and I read it in his voice
I’ve never even seen the show and I read it in his voice
Sorry for your loss. :hug:
The recurrent laryngeal nerve. Our liquid waste evacuation tubes sharing space with our reproductive organs. Our reproductive organs being immediately adjacent to our solid waste evacuation tube. Hangnails. Acne. Teeth (god damn luxury bones).
But my go to for “if there is a god, they’re not worth worshipping” is always Children’s. Bone. Cancer. Those 3 words should not fucking go together.
Which then allows corporations to come in and buy up everything for pennies nickels on the dollar. They’re going to pick the US carcass clean.
Close, but that’s Texas Gov Abbott. Easy mistake, as they’re both giant pieces of shit.
I love when I’m troubleshooting something, click on a record link from like 2018, and get a modal encouraging me to “join this trending conversation!”
Exactly! I mean, come on… completing 4’33" in 3’43" is just preposterous.
And because everyone’s glob of neurons is independent from each other, we have no way of conclusively determining if everyone’s glob interprets things the same way.
They’re his future brown shirts red hats.
“You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up. Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one. And if they ever figure that out, there goes our way of life! It’s not about food. It’s about keeping those ants in line.”
How long does a book have to go without being checked out to be purged?
I’m not getting that money back, am I?
Gotta be the rwhite color…
The airline pilot?!?
deleted by creator
I understand and agree with the general concept of a case being moot when the underlying situation has already been resolved, but sometimes I really wish there was a way for proceedings like this to continue so we actually get rulings.
Whereas Phoenix is looking at temps in the upper 80s on the 10 day forecast.