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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • Using the upvote button to agree isn’t a problem, but it’s more of a problem to use the downvote as a disagree if you’re actually engaging with the person to debate the topic since it in theory lowers the visibility of the original post and your own commentary.

    I always liked the idea of having a “recommend post” button, and let the better stuff with more recommendations and replies rise to the top naturally. It also avoids the weird feeling in clicking an upvote/agree/like to a topic that you want to discuss but is negative.

  • You should be more angry at the throwaway society we’ve become to create so much trash, rather than rant at the person who might be the sole employee until someone else comes in to do the regular morning cleanup duties.

    So you think some full trash cans cause people to head out to the interstate and only then throw shit out their window? Guess they’re making a statement or something…

  • That was my first guess, false target. Like a lizard that loses the tail, only less involved. Evolution ends up with odd solutions, but if it helps favor a trait by leading to survival, it’s good enough. It could have just as easily been as someone else suggested, something that was passed on but not selected against either. Not all evolved things have to do with survival, some just are there.

  • Sagan always said we had the potential to be better, but he was also concerned it was an uphill climb. Where Carlin got angrier with age, I think Sagan would just have been disappointed in us. Especially in the fall back into ignorance and superstition, something else he warned about in The Demon-Haunted World. Every quote you can find from that book is profound, but this one is eerily hard hitting:

    “We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.”

  • There’s a scene in Sagan’s Cosmos where he’s exploring the possibilities of life elsewhere. He’s in the Ship of the Imagination, looking around at various potentials. He runs across one planet teeming with a civilization, from orbit it had even more lights and connections that our own at night. And then the lights suddenly go out. He discusses how even thriving life can suddenly die and speculates on a few reasons why this one might have, like resources or war or whatever. Summary from memory, I have no idea which episode it’s in.

    In reality it wouldn’t be a sudden disappearance, but a longer decay. The lights shutting off was just to illustrate how easy it is to lose something assumed to be permanent. I’d also recommend the beginning of Revolution to get that same surreal feeling, although the rest of the series was blah.