Bramble jam??
Bramble jam??
This. I’ve got a fair few trans friends, and we’re all in agreement - unless it’s obvious we’re talking in gendered terms based on context, “dude”, “man”, “bro”, etc are just interjections, not reference to someone’s gender. And, when we are talking in gendered contexts, we tend to be pretty clear about that.
Killing in the Name is the right answer, I feel.
I had already read that book prior to my teacher reading it aloud in class. She couldn’t read that chapter, so I volunteered to, having already had my trauma from the scene. We didn’t end up watching the movie, though.
I never got plastering logos for whatever brands you love to consume on everything you own. Like buying decals and stickers and shit to put all over your car, laptop, whatever else. Since when do we pay to advertise for brands…?
I want to find the person who decided that was the way. Hold actions are great, if there’s ALREADY a press action and you’re out of buttons. If there’s no press action and I have to hold your button just because, you’re bad designers. If you’re THAT worried about someone doing something on accident, give me the option to disable it. You don’t get to advertise 80 hours of gameplay when 20 of that is holding a button for the UI to work.
That’s your only contribution? Cool. Objections duly noted.
Proofreading your own work without a significant time gap is pretty useless. You’ll catch a few obvious errors, but approaching the same problem in the same mental space tends to lead to the same thought patterns, tends to lead to making or overlooking the same mistakes.
You’ll do a bit better reapproaching the subject a few days later. It’s almost, but not quite, like reading a new piece of writing. In my experience, comments are set and forget, unless you’re obsessive like me and enjoy rereading your old shit.
By far the most effective proofreading, though, is an Editor. There’s a reason it’s a paid position for anyone who makes a living writing. A completely different person will read the text more as-is, without accidentally interpreting it how they INTENDED it to be written. This will catch far more errors, but isn’t really practical for shit posting in social media. The closest you’ll get is someone calling out a typo or grammatical error.
As long as the intent of the message is clear, it passes the bar for acceptable social media content. We’re not writing PhD theses, we’re just having fun discussions. We’re not writing a paper meant to be readable to someone independently, we’re engaging in dialogue and can easily ask the other person to clarify.
TL;DR high-level proofreading and error correcting isn’t really as viable on social media as it is formal writing, nor is it really necessary as long as the message received is the message intended.
I’d love a single giant lady to finger…
What were we talking about again?
Get my resume together
The one near me no longer has people taking orders. To get food, you scan your card at a kiosk and order through a touch screen.
I’m assuming from context “The Fair Lady” is the name of the ghost in this comic, likely just created for the comic and to fit the song’s lyrics, not some kind of long-standing legend necessarily.
It’s quite simply what’s on people’s minds right now. It was a major event, it outlines some of the systemic inequalities, and people are interested in the subject.
Mate, they made a joke. Kinda like the ones the celebrated George Carlin made.
Great. Another old white man. Welcome to the owmer class, I suppose.
Give em a few generations, they’ll learn.