You can only know that at the present moment a doubting being exists. Anything else is just empirical, and therefore not true knowledge.
You can only know that at the present moment a doubting being exists. Anything else is just empirical, and therefore not true knowledge.
They could theoretically implement this because of unencrypted domain names and ISP blocks, but if they actually tried this, that DNS over HTTPS thing Mozilla was working on - I’m sure it would get a lot more attention, be rolled out very soon, and disable ISPs being able to see or control which domains you were accessing.
Flatpaks let me isolate app files and disable permissions, RPMs give me greater access to the system files.
Please don’t. I like having options, sometimes RPMs are useful, sometimes Flatpaks are useful. Let me choose.
Yes, Google’s, Microsoft’s and Deepseek’s LLMs are all censored. If you want an uncensored LLM try Dolphin.
Presumably Lord Nikon thinks there won’t be any humans left at that time.
Whenever I look at anything I wrote more than a year ago I cringe at myself.
Try talking to them first, asking questions and getting them to evaluate their own beliefs. Many people are indoctrinated and manipulated into a system that they haven’t really considered and would be better of rejecting. In that case, non-combatitive conversation can go a long way to enact actual positive change, rather than just virtue signaling to people who already agree with you.
If they’re not receptive to that, and still causing harm, it’s necessary to stop them via any means necessary. But still, try to avoid harming them as much as possible. As Milgram’s experiments demonstrated, most people can do horrific things when a trusted authority figure tells them to. Remember, they are still people, and sometimes people are influenced to do bad things.
You can’t seriously mean that. There’s good stuff happening all the time, the lockdowns in COVID (even if the MPs were hypocrites, the legislation itself was good), adding LGBT+ awareness to PSHE for all state schools, pledging even more money to the NHS, free school meals, the ULEZ Zone.
Just because there’s also plenty of bad stuff, and lots of progress to still be made, doesn’t mean they don’t do anything good.
The corporations should just be taxed twice as heavily on it, reducing tax isn’t the answer to prevent corporations buying up the farms. As they don’t die, corporations should just have to pay ‘inheritance’ tax every 50 years.
Elon Musk was always an asshole billionaire, he’s not significantly worse now he’s taken of the mask
Was going to say this, you got there first
2m is a good estimate
Why should farmers be exempt from inheritance tax that applies to everyone else? It’s a method of wealth redistribution, not just income distribution, it’s actually quite socialist, and one of the only such measures in our system.
Millionaire farmers driving around in their tractors protesting that when they die, their wealth shouldn’t be redistributed to any degree is pathetic.
GMT doesn’t become BST as far as I’m aware, GMT is UTC+0 all year round, and BST is UTC+1 all year round, it’s just that in the summer the UK switches from GMT to BST.
Have you tried Fedora GNOME? Looks pretty nice to me, and the UI is powerful and intuitive as well as attractive.
If you care for looks, GNOME looks far better than KDE, I would recommend Fedora GNOME to a newbie that wants a pretty and intuitive Linux experience.
Or Universal Time Coordinated
I don’t use a VPN, and haven’t got a letter from my ISP in all the years I’ve been pirating.