Comments filled with propaganda bots defending a well known horrible regime
Comments filled with propaganda bots defending a well known horrible regime
I disagree. Maybe some weapon systems especially more advanced ones ones but it won’t be that difficult, they’ve done it before
Nah you literally have no idea what you’re talking about. You read the news and believe what you’re told, you have no idea how American politics work but believe you do cause it is on TV. You basically watch wrestling and now believe you can do a tombstone on your little brother.
We’re distracted by international lines.
The ones crying about globalism are now apathetic to their country and instead uphold their status in the global caste system.
Basically the oligarchs and the intelligence agencies they’ve taken over are closer in allegiance than those leaders and the poor of their country are
I think it’s vastly different than you’re selling it. He’s clearly playing anything he can to survive
But if Europe started producing their own shit, that’s that. America will not hold that business as there will be no buyers and we’ll see a repeat of the world wars, weapon manufacturing pops up and within a decade those that embraced it and fill the necessary void will dominate the market. America managed to spin that play for a century and they’re selling that position away over the fool that is Trump
Joe Biden was absolutely the better option here. Kamala probably was even better to be frank.
Liberals kill themselves trying to do no wrong instead of trying to get things done.
Everyone with half a brain knew Israel was doing this intentionally to get Trump elected. MAGA also jumped on the bandwagon to attack the Democrats. However, the DNC is still at fault for falling for it. A more principled party wouldn’t have fallen for it.
Yes but the DNC/Democrats do not equal individuals, I just handed you a list of individuals part of the democratic party who were clearly not in favor and likely are still not in favor of any of this. That is your space for a solution and y’all spit in the face of it because it didn’t do exactly what you wanted because government response is slow.
Are you going to tell me you don’t notice the momentum shift? I’d say roughly in the summer, July/August there felt like a growing energy that things might not go in Israel’s favor. And now that has dropped to 0.
If you really feel like there was never an option at all ever, why not just terrorize your local government or leave the country? Because I do think there was a chance to make things right and still do, but in terms of Palestine we have failed those people.
This was 13 days after October 7th. None of this had happened yet
You keep trying to argue that Biden sucks too, cool okay
Did you think Trump was the better option for Palestine or for anything? Do you realize running around calling him Genocide Joe and telling people to vote third party was intended to ruin his chance at reelection so more harm can come to the world?
You’re out of your mind.
Dems who supported Palestine.
Dems follow the rule of law and succumb to social pressures.
This happening on an election year was entirely intentional because you need cash to campaign and Israel injects a ton of cash into people’s campaigns. Regardless of how you feel, you need that money to win.
So now the impossible game has to be played where you need this money to win and you can’t really say anything too disparaging you’re probably better off not talking about it entirely. But voters don’t get that, they think you can do whatever cause you’re trying to be president and then enemies of the state spend money on campaigns across TikTok and other social media sites putting the responsibility solely on you for what’s happening in Palestine.
Then the only question becomes, did you think Trump was the more likely person to help Palestinians? Why couldn’t you see the game for what it was?
First they came for the Palestinians and instead of doing my job to help, I pearl clutched that the world isn’t a perfect place, stepped in their trap and fell completely for it. Now nobody will help Palestinians or Ukrainians or anyone else who will be invaded next.
Lol well first when did that ever happen? The Dems completely supported Israel just like the Republicans. So when did that pressure ever exist?
The truth of the situation is the timing of everything was intentional. Put the Dems between a rock and a hard place, encourage protest voting/voting third party, Republicans win, even worse situation with no hope and Bibi along with their oligarch buddies in Russia knew they’d benefit from a Trump presidency.
It’s really easy to boohoo about Biden’s response to Oct 7th. It’s really difficult to step back and see the situation for what it is and how it was made to bring us here now. And all people like you can do is repeat Genocide Joe as if this dude orchestrated anything instead of upholding military contracts and alliance agreements.
Biden doesn’t act like Trump, the law and the rules affect him. Congratulations your perspective gave us someone who literally won’t bend to any rules what so ever.
It’s unfortunate but that is politics and that’s the president and this opinion really just left everyone far more fucked and for what, moral perspective high ground?
Not true. Joe Biden would actually respond to classic government pressure. Trump doesn’t and won’t care
actually crying laughing after reading this
Anon is emotionally stunted and this person really loves them but doesn’t feel it back. Anon needs to express themselves better
A pedophile thinks other pedophiles are nice people
my dumbass ex refused to vote because she thought democrats needed to be taught a lesson
her vote wouldn’t have saved us but the morons who think like her would’ve.
fuckin idiots
Because China and Russia and the President are on the same side you dolts
Everyone is blaming the US for this and getting played.
Why didn’t this happen under Biden?
We haven’t tried many
Again I 100% agree however…
The dude who saw it at $7 and said it was gonna pop, doubled down after $400 and still believes it’ll pop again.
He knew the first time, he’s smarter than me, he didn’t sell. I am still in the green by like more than double where I was at the start. I’m gonna continue with my gut and believe this dude knows something I don’t because so far he hasn’t made me think otherwise.
Everything else literally anything else besides what I said in this post is noise to me you know?
But that’s not what we’re talking about. GameStop’s success has nothing to do with what I’m waiting for. The stock isn’t up because GameStop is a good company. In fact the opposite
Watch the Big Short easiest way to really explain. The stock was worth $7 then $400 then stock split. If the split never happened the stock would be worth $100 and that isn’t because of the fundamental regular stock reasons it’s because the dying company didn’t die and now their valuation is fucked up.
oof good answer